Lower Back and Leg Pain Relief

Are you suffering from pain in your lower back and/or legs? Your pain may be caused by subluxations, or misalignments of your vertebrae, or by bulging or herniated discs. 

If you are experiencing any of the conditions below, Lakewood Chiropractic would like to help you find relief from your pain. Contact us today for a complimentary exam, consultation and X-rays as needed, to determine if chiropractic care can help you. Call us at 816-373-3373 or request an appointment online. 

Please present this coupon at your appointment by printing, saving to your phone, or simply mentioning this offer. We look forward to helping provide you relief from your pain and restoring normal body function.

Low Back Pain Relief


Sciatica is a condition that results when the sciatic nerve becomes irritated. Bulging discs, spinal subluxations, and muscle spasms can all cause increased pressure on the sciatic nerve. When this happens it causes pain, numbness, and weakness in the lower back and leg. To properly treat sciatica the cause of the condition needs to be diagnosed and properly treated, Lakewood Chiropractic can help you do this.

Pinched Nerve

When a nerve is squeezed or compressed it is called a "pinched nerve". This can be caused by spinal misalignments, bulging or herniated discs, or other factors. The increased pressure on the nerve causes inflammation, pain, and sometimes muscle spasms. The pressure on the nerve must be relieved in order to alleviate the pain. An examination at Lakewood Chiropractic can reveal the cause of the pain, and an adjustment can relieve the pain by properly aligning the spine and addressing the cause of the pain.

Joint Dysfunction

Joint dysfunction occurs when joints become stiff and full movement is restricted. It can be caused by an injury, poor posture, overuse/underuse of a joint, muscle imbalance, as well as other factors. Like arthritis, joint dysfunction can cause pain in the joint and the surrounding muscles, and can also cause problems in other parts of the body due to overcompensation. One common form of joint dysfunction is sacroiliac joint dysfunction, which occurs where the base of the spine meets the pelvis. It causes low back pain and prohibits movement. This condition is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are similar to sciatica or a herniated disc. Lakewood Chiropractic can properly diagnose this condition and provide relief. Using specific adjustments for the affected joint can return proper mobility and relieve pain.

If you are experiencing lower back or leg pain and numbness, inflammation or muscle spasms, don’t suffer any longer. Schedule a complimentary exam and consultation, along with any needed X-rays, and begin your journey to pain relief today.

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Emergency Services are available by calling our office after hours at 816-373-3373


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2:00 pm-6:30 pm


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2:00 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:30 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

