
April 2024 Chiropractic Newsletter


Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies for Sciatica

Have you begun to experience numbness, weakness, or pain that radiates down from your lower back to one of your legs? Has this pain at times even reached your heel? If so, you're showing the main signs of sciatic nerve compression, also called sciatica.

Sciatica is one of the most common forms of nerve pain. There are two sciatic nerves, one for each leg, and they emerge from the spinal cord in the region of the lower back. Sciatica can happen when a sciatic nerve is compressed anywhere along its length, but one of the most common reasons is due to compression at its origin from a bulging or herniated disc. Read further to understand your risk factors for this condition and how you can prevent it.

How You May Be At Risk for Sciatica

Age Range

People between the ages of 30 and 50 have the highest risk. While sciatica can affect any age group, those in this age range are more susceptible due to how the body ages.
Your spinal discs may start to weaken due to the following:

  • Loss of fluid that affects shock absorption
  • Wear and tear from prolonged activity or overburdening

As a result, it's easier to get a herniated disc that can cause sciatica. However, even a teen can get sciatica if they suffer a herniated disc from an injury.


There is a reason why your mother got on you about sitting or standing up straight. It's because poor posture can overwork some soft tissues while the ones that balance them tighten and weaken. When you slouch or have a sedentary lifestyle, it weakens the muscles your spinal column depends on for support, overburdening its other components.

Work Activity

Sitting at an office desk all day isn't the only way to increase sciatica risk. Does your daily work activity involve a great deal of heavy lifting? Are you constantly pushing and pulling heavy items without the use of equipment? These types of repetitive activities can put stresses on your back that cause disc compression, or simply result in an acute injury.

Ways You Can Prevent This Nerve Issue

Sciatica is treatable, especially if you see the right chiropractor. However, you can prevent it from happening in the first place by making the right lifestyle choices.

Change Your Work Conditions

Start by dealing with your work environment. If your employment involves consistent desk work, you can:

  • Get an ergonomic chair
  • Get a standing desk
  • Take regular breaks to stretch
  • Practice proper typing posture and be mindful to avoid slouching

If your job or your hobbies involve heavy lifting, remember to practice the following techniques:

  • Use your legs to lift, not your back
  • Wear safety gear like a back brace
  • Be mindful of slippery floors, as falls can hurt your back

Take Charge of Your Health

Weight management is also essential in reducing pressure on your spine. With the advice of your chiropractor, you may be able to add healthy activity to your life by:
  • Swimming or aqua therapy
  • Yoga or pilates
  • Walking around your block
Spinal health also includes a nutritious diet. Try to eat enough calcium and Vitamin D to maintain healthy bones, and don’t forget to spend some time each week in direct sunlight.

Sciatica is preventable and treatable. Lakewood Chiropractic specializes in spinal adjustments, traction therapy, chiropractic massage, and other treatments that can reduce the compression on your spine. With care, you can thrive and live a well-balanced life without back or nerve pain.

Lakewood Chiropractic Joint Treatment

March 2024 Chiropractic Newsletter

Understanding the Anatomy of Joints

The adult human body is made up of 206 bones, which perform like a structural scaffolding that helps support the body to move (or ambulate). And except for one neck bone (the hyoid bone), the rest of the bones connect to at least one additional bone. The junction/point where two bones lie adjacent to each other (whether they can move or not) is called a joint.

Most joints allow for and facilitate movement between the bones in your body. Ironically, the community of professionals often disagree on the exact number of joints in the human body based on a debatable definition. For the sake of this discussion, adults have around 350 joints.

A joint has these components -

  • Cartilage – refers to the tissue that covers the bone surface where the bone meets the joint and helps reduce friction in the joint. Additionally, the meniscus is the cartilage in the knees and other joints that is curved.
  • Ligaments – the strong elastic connective bands of tissue that connect bones offer support and limit a joint's movement.
  • Tendons – Tendons attach muscles to bones. They are located on each side of a joint and are responsible for the movement of the joint.
  • Bursa – Fluid-filled sacs located between bones, ligaments, etc., that cushion the friction in the joint.

What are the Different Types of Joints?

The human body’s joints are classified based on the joint’s range of motion and by the tissue that holds the nearby bones together. Healthcare and medical professionals classify joints into three primary categories –

  • Fibrous Joints – these are very inflexible joints – examples include skull plates, etc.
  • Cartilaginous Joints - have some but limited movement; examples include the breastbone, etc.
  • Synovial Joints – have the most movement and are where one bone fits snugly into the cavity of another bone. These types of joints typically have a membrane that seals the joint capsule and provides a fluid to lubricate the joint to add cushioning against the friction created by movement.

There are six types of synovial joints in the human body -

  • Hinge Joints

A hinge joint, as its name implies, can open and close in only one direction – for example – your elbows or knees.

  • Ball and Socket Joints

In this type of synovial joint, one bone with a rounded end fits into the indentation of another nearby bone. A ball and socket joint is quite versatile as it can rotate and turn in almost any direction. Some examples are your hips or shoulders.

  • Condyloid Joints

Condyloid joints, similar to ball and socket joints with some rotation limitations, consist of two oval-shaped bones that fit together – examples include your wrist, toes, etc.

  • Saddle Joints

Saddle joints, which allow for movement in any direction but can’t rotate or twist, are formed when two curved bones meet- an example is where your thumb meets your hand.

  • Pivot Joints

Pivot joints allow for rotation without adjusting from their original position – an example is a pivot neck joint that lets you move from one side to the other.

  • Planar Joints

Planar joints are formed when two mostly flat bones meet and move when one bone slides over the other – examples include the spine’s vertebrae and the wrist’s carpal bones.

Common Joint Issue Symptoms

The symptoms of a joint condition that a chiropractor can treat will vary but may include one or more of the following -

  • Inflammation or swelling
  • Redness/discoloration on or near the joint
  • Warmth or heat is generated from the area
  • A grinding feeling/popping noise within the joint

You use your joints whenever you do anything, from walking the dog to reading this article. If joint pain disrupts your life, call us today to begin your journey to a pain-free life.

February 2024 Chiropractic Newsletter

Better Back Health During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting and trying time for families. While many mothers are overjoyed about bringing new life into the world, there are a host of difficulties that come with the process. A mother's body goes through many changes, and many are painful. Back pain, for example, is a very common side effect of pregnancy. It's a great idea to be proactive about everything where children are involved, and pregnancy issues are no exception.

This month, we'll cover some of the best ways to maintain the health of your back and joints while pregnant.

There are a few aspects of pregnancy that make maintaining your back health different than normal. Most notable is the belly, of course! Especially during the third trimester, the added weight changes a woman's center of gravity. This affects her posture and can cause mild to severe back pain. This means it's extra important to take good care of your back health during pregnancy.

Avoid lifting, bending, and straining.

Pregnancy affects a woman's posture, and posture affects the spine's ability to support weight. Furthermore, the sacroiliac joints and pelvic ligaments naturally loosen in anticipation of childbirth. That means that every time a pregnant woman bends down or lifts a heavy object, it puts extra strain on joints that may already be weakening. Over time, this can develop into lasting back pain. It's best to have someone else do the hard work for you where possible, but it’s also a good idea to learn proper lifting techniques if you don’t already use them and to invest in assistive devices such as belly bands and wheeled backpacks instead of handbags.

Minimize stress in your life.

As you probably know, stress causes tension in the muscles. This tension can affect posture and cause back pain to flare up in general. It may be helpful to try and identify major sources of stress in your life, then find a way to resolve them or put them on the back burner during the pregnancy. If you don’t already practice specific relaxation and breath-control techniques, this could be the time to start.

Make light exercise a part of your daily routine.

When we spend all day sitting down and resting, the muscles slowly begin to weaken. Although heavy exercise isn't appropriate for those in late-term pregnancy, there are plenty of great options to keep the blood pumping. Stretches and swimming are a great way to relieve back pain and tension. If you're unsure what would be safe or beneficial for you, consult with your doctor before engaging in activity. They'll also be able to provide more tips on back pain and staying active during pregnancy.

Be mindful of your posture.

As we already mentioned, pregnancy can be especially taxing on posture. Poor posture puts unnecessary strain on the joints, leading to back pain. It's important to be mindful of your posture, especially when sitting for extended periods. Pull your shoulders back, keep your chin up, and squeeze the muscles in your core to better support your weight. Posture is also important while sleeping. If you're a side sleeper, place a pillow between your knees to avoid spinal misalignment. If you sleep on your back, try placing the pillow under your knees. This will relieve pressure on the lower back.

See a chiropractor.

It's a good idea to consult with a chiropractor who is proficient in pregnancy care before problems develop, but even more so if you’re experiencing discomfort. They will be able to identify the root source of your pain and give you advice specific to your circumstances. They also provide treatments like chiropractic adjustments, which are proven to improve posture and reduce back pain.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time for you and your family. With proper self-care and support from those around you, you'll make it through back pain and whatever other challenges pregnancy may throw at you. Congratulations on the new addition to the family!

January 2024 Chiropractic Newsletter

What You Need to Know About Whiplash

The term "whiplash" describes a specific type of motion in which your cervical spine (that is, your neck) is quickly, intensely, repeatedly, and forcefully jolted back and forth. This abrupt and unexpected motion can lead to spinal misalignment/subluxation or cause damage to nerves and other soft tissue structures like muscles, ligaments, and tendons, leading to pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Who can be Impacted by Whiplash?

Whiplash is a relatively common type of injury that affects millions of people each year across the globe. While it can affect people of any age, it is most likely to cause significant or chronic injuries to older adults and women.
The severity of the injury tends to be greater for older adults (particularly those over the age of 65) because their bodies are generally more susceptible to muscle and bone injuries due to age-related deterioration.

Common Whiplash Causes

Whiplash refers to a single medical concept, but, in reality, a whiplash injury can have a wide range of effects and symptoms. The most common cause of a whiplash injury happens when you are a passenger in a car rear-ended by another moving vehicle. The severity of the injury depends on -

  • The speed of vehicles in the collision
  • The specific direction of the vehicles involved in the crash
  • The age and overall physical condition who has sustained the injury

Whiplash can happen in other ways -

  • A traumatic fall
  • A physical assault
  • Amusement park rides, like roller coasters
  • Sports injuries and more

A whiplash injury has the potential to range from minor to severe; however, even a small or weak level of force can cause a moderate to serious one. And, at its worst, whiplash can break the neck's vertebrae, which may damage your spinal cord and connected nerves.

Common Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash can be tricky because those who sustain the injury may find certain symptoms need time to manifest – not appearing until days or weeks after the harmful event.

So, even if you have no symptoms after the injury, it is essential NOT to make an erroneous assumption that you have no injuries. The prudent decision would be to seek a medical or chiropractic evaluation after a potential whiplash injury because by not doing so, you may open the possibility of a chronic condition that requires a lifetime of ongoing care.

Whiplash symptoms depend on how severely or intensely your neck is hyperextended and/or compressed. The greater the extension or compression, the greater the injury. The most common symptoms of whiplash include-

  • Neck stiffness/pain when moving
  • Neck or upper back tenderness
  • Tingling sensations traveling down an arm
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Headaches/ Dizziness/Vertigo
  • A reduced range of motion
  • Unexplained tiredness or unusual sleeping patterns
  • An inability to concentrate/focus
  • Blurred vision

Chiropractic Treatment Options for Whiplash

Whiplash is a treatable condition, but there's no direct cure. Instead, chiropractic treatment objectives seek to support healing and reduce related symptoms. These include one or a combination of the following -

  • Chiropractic Adjustments
  • Electrical Stimulation
  • Spinal Decompression
  • Physiotherapy
  • Cold/Hot Therapies
  • Massage Therapies
  • Therapeutic Exercises
  • Ultrasound Therapy, and more

The length of time required to recover from a whiplash injury depends on the selected treatment options, the individual's health history, and other specific aspects of the situation.

Most people who sustain minor whiplash injuries will find they can recover within days or a few weeks. However, as the whiplash injury becomes more severe or intense, it may take months to recover or fully heal from the injury.

Note that whiplash recovery will likely be the longest when there are complications that may include ongoing pain and spinal inflammation. A chiropractor can provide further information regarding the timeline for your expected recovery.

December 2023 Chiropractic Newsletter: 

 Benefits of Decompression Therapy

Lakewood Chiropractic Decompression Therapy

Degenerative disc disease (DDD) refers to a specific type of medical condition that happens when the discs that support and cushion the spine’s vertebrae deteriorate and break down, losing water and their natural flexibility and causing pain and stiffness. The condition typically happens as a function of the aging process, although other factors – i.e., injury, genetics, repetitive stress - may lead to the development of this condition.

Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease vary. In fact, not every individual who is diagnosed with degenerative disc disease will experience every or all potential symptoms -


  • Degenerative disc disease is characterized by persistent low back pain, which can be mild or fluctuate and become quite intense. The pain can be continuous or come and go, based on your activities. Actions that worsen degenerative disc disease symptoms include bending, lifting, and twisting. Resting or changing positions may provide temporary relief from the pain, as it reduces stress on the affected discs.
  • Degenerative disc disease can create radiating pain and discomfort that extends through the buttocks and down one or both legs. Radiating pain in this area is usually caused by a compressed or irritated sciatic nerve.


  • As the condition worsens and progresses, the compression on the nerves in the spine may cause numbness or weakness – ultimately impacting your coordination and mobility.
  • A compressed nerve may also create prickly or tingling sensations.

Preventive Degenerative Disc Disease – A Proactive Approach

While the natural aging process contributes to DDD, there are ways to prevent or slow the condition’s progression or development, many of which are easily controlled by simple lifestyle adjustments.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

In addition to being a potential factor for other diseases, carrying excess weight puts added stress on your spinal discs, which may contribute to the development of DDD. Managing your weight can be done by choosing a balanced and nutritious diet, which includes staying appropriately hydrated because spinal discs mostly consist of water.

Practice Good Posture

Whether standing, sitting, or lifting, it is essential to be mindful of your posture. Poor posture can contribute to spinal disc stress and increase the risk of disc degeneration.

Stay Active to Stay Healthy – Stop Smoking

  • Even low-impact exercise – i.e., yoga, swimming – that is practiced regularly will help strengthen core muscles supporting your spine.
  • For those who have not already, it is beneficial to quit smoking, as this habit has been linked to the accelerated progression of DDD.

Choose Ergonomic Furniture for Work/Home

Invest in ergonomic furniture that offers proper support for your posture and also reduces strain on the spine.

Lift Properly

  • When lifting heavy objects, use proper techniques to reduce strain on the spine.
  • Bend at the knees, not the waist, and lift with the leg muscles rather than the back.

Treating Degenerative Disc Disease – A Non-invasive Approach

Chiropractor treatment options will vary based on your overall health and the severity of the manifested symptoms. In addition to traditional spinal manipulations that can improve alignment and reduce pressure on the spine, many chiropractors specialize in alternative and complementary therapies that treat patients holistically – encouraging your body to access its natural healing abilities. These may include -

  • Hot or Cold Therapies
  • Ultrasound Therapies
  • Massage Therapies
  • Electrical Stimulation Therapies
  • Decompression

Lifestyle Modifications

Chiropractors offer valuable and insightful guidance regarding healthy lifestyle choices, like -

  • Maintaining the recommended weight
  • Using proper ergonomics and orthotics
  • Incorporating gentle exercises and more.

November 2023 Chiropractic: 

Caring for Your Joints and Muscles While Traveling

Lakewood chiropractic

It’s that time of year again. The holidays are around the corner, which means many will be traveling to visit loved ones. While you focus on making your travel plans, packing your bags, and shopping for gifts, don’t forget to take care of your joints and muscles, too.

Traveling – whether on a plane, bus or in a car – can wreak havoc on your musculoskeletal system. The good news is that you have the power to prevent it by following these tips.

Plan a Pre-Trip Chiropractic Visit

It’s never a good idea to begin a trip with problems, as the travel can just compound them. Visit your chiropractor as soon as possible before leaving to ensure your joints and muscles are aligned and in good shape.

Warm Up Before You Go

Travel might not be considered an official sport or workout, but it can help to look at it in such a way. No matter how you travel, take some time to stretch and warm up your muscles beforehand.

Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

It can be challenging to eat healthy while traveling, especially when your options are airplane snacks and fast food. However, you can ensure that you fill your body with nutrients in the days leading up to your trip. If you’re driving or riding in a vehicle, pack some healthy snacks.

Additionally, it’s critical to stay hydrated for the health of discs, joints, and muscles. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times.

Pack Strategically

Heavy luggage can put intense strain on the joints and muscles. Pack as lightly as possible. Consider changing your luggage to one that easily rolls and perhaps doesn’t provide as much space to cram items.

You should also consider packing a few supplies to help support your musculoskeletal health. Neck pillows can be beneficial, as can lumbar support cushions and ice packs for pain.

Posture Is Key

How you sit – no matter where you’re doing the sitting – can either help or hurt your body. Practicing proper posture is critical. If you need to nap or relax, adjust your seat – not your body.

Keep your feet flat on the floor. Crossing your legs or curling up in your seat can lead to neck and back pain, as well as impede blood flow to muscles and joints.

If you’re in the driver’s seat, take the time to adjust the seat so that you can comfortably and easily reach the pedals as well as see over the steering wheel. Adjust your mirrors so that you don’t have to strain to see surrounding traffic and the steering wheel so that you don’t need to lean or hold your shoulders up. Lastly, use cruise control when possible to keep strain off your legs.

Keep It Moving

Sitting for too long can do a number on your spine, muscles, joints, neck, and every other musculoskeletal component. It’s important that you move as much as possible.

If you’re traveling on the road, stop about every ninety minutes to walk around, stretch, and get your blood pumping. If you’re flying or riding a train or bus, still try to get out of your seat every ninety minutes even if you can’t do a full stretch.

Schedule a Post-Trip Visit

While these tips can go a long way in caring for your joints and muscles, you might face some additional issues. For example, hotel and guest beds aren’t always the most supportive. Picking up grandchildren or nieces and nephews as well as playing backyard football can lead to strains and injuries. A chiropractic visit at the end of your trip can help undo any damage you were unable to prevent.

October 2023 Chiropractic Newsletter
Assistance for Sports Injuries

Lakewood Chiropractic

Participating in sports at any age is an enjoyable way to stay fit, healthy, and young at heart. However, even the most elite athletes, as well as weekend warriors, understand there is always a potential that a sports-related injury could sideline them for a few days or longer.

Fortunately, healthcare specialists like chiropractors have the skills and experience to identify and assess musculoskeletal issues and injuries that may happen while exercising, engaging in your favorite sport, or simply by an unanticipated mishap.

Chiropractic Assistance for Sports Injuries

A professional chiropractic evaluation is the most direct way to determine the extent of your injuries and the most appropriate treatment plan to get you back to your pre-injury level/ability. Without a proper exam, you may choose, in error, to continue to play (even though the body’s structure is misaligned) and in doing so –

  • Take preventable risks because injuries tend to make the body more vulnerable to a more serious or intense injury.
  • Play at less-than-optimal levels.

While over-the-counter medicine can help reduce inflammation and even mask the pain and discomfort, these meds fail to address the pain’s underlying cause. Even more concerning is that hiding the pain may unintentionally exacerbate or worsen the underlying condition because it creates a misguided sense that you are participating safely when you should rest and recover until the injury has fully healed.

Chiropractor treatments for sports injuries focus on relieving discomfort and other symptoms related to injuries in the neck, shoulders, back, and extremities. However, chiropractors can also treat underlying issues related to a sports injury and symptoms that are related to –

  • Biomechanical Deficits
  • Muscular Imbalances
  • Inappropriate Sports Techniques
  • Improper Training and Conditioning, to name a few.

Chiropractic Treatment Options for Sports Injury

Treatment for sports injuries offered by a professional chiropractor typically focuses on relieving neck, back, shoulder, and leg pain. These available options include -

  • Adjustments/Spinal Manipulations - Manual or instrument and table-assisted spinal adjustments help realign joints that assist in improving joint function and mobility. Ultimately, chiropractic adjustments help to -
    • Reduce pain
    • Allow for quicker recovery time
    • Restore normal range of motion
    • Perform at optimal or peak efficiency
    • Combat daily stressors and anxiety
  • Soft Tissue Therapies - Soft tissue therapies offer complementary techniques that address sports injury-related spasms, muscle tension/tightness, and adhesions. The methodologies include –
    • Various Massage Techniques.
    • Myofascial Release – is when sustained pressure is applied to the muscle’s connective tissue (i.e., fascia) – releasing tension and improving one’s mobility.
    • Trigger Point Therapy - where sustained pressure is applied to the muscle’s trigger points to release tension, alleviating pain.
  • Electrotherapy and Alternative Modalities - Some chiropractors use the following therapies to promote healing and reduce pain and inflammation –
    • Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) complements manual adjustments and reduces muscle-related pain. Interferential Current Therapy is another type used to enhance blood flow and reduce spasms.
    • Ultrasound Therapy - generates sound waves that promote relaxation and tissue healing by increasing blood flow and decreasing inflammation.
    • Class IV Laser Therapy – a technique that employs low-level lasers to stimulate cellular processes, relieving pain and inflammation and promoting tissue healing.
    • Cryotherapy/Heat Therapy - Chiropractors may use ice or heat packs to manage pain and inflammation after a sports injury. Ice is the preferred treatment for acute injuries, while heat works well for chronic conditions as it relaxes muscles and increases blood flow.

Chiropractic Assistance for Sports Injuries – The Take-Away

Chiropractic care is accomplished without the use of medicine while offering a way to fine-tune your performance and prevent injuries in the future. If you have sustained a sports injury, call us today for a complimentary consulation at 816-373-3373.

September 2023 Newsletter Pain in the Extremities

Lakewood Chiropractic, P.C.

Extremity pain refers to the soreness, throbbing, shocks, and other uncomfortable sensations one can experience in one's hands, arms, feet, or legs. Extremity pain can be sourced to a wide variety of factors – arising from small or minor issues to more severe – and often, yet to be diagnosed, underlying conditions. Many of the common causes of extremity pain – those due to minor injuries, misaligned joints, muscle imbalances, etc., can be effectively treated or managed with noninvasive chiropractic and complementary methodologies, which are noted below.

Common Symptoms of Extremity Pain

While each person will likely experience pain in the extremities distinctively, most describe various combinations of the following symptoms:

  • Diverse levels of pain – ranging from dull aches to sharp stabbing sensations
  • Tingling & Numbness – which may lead to weakness in the extremities
  • Swelling/Inflammation & Redness
  • Reduced Flexibility
  • Limited Range of Motion

Common Causes of Extremity Pain

The more common occurrences of pain in the extremities, like arthritis, are more likely to happen to members of a defined age group; however, many of the factors that contribute to extremity pain have the potential to transcend age. Consider the following:

Muscle Strain or Overuse

Misalignment of the body’s mechanics, repetitive motion, or excessive activity are examples of movements that can cause muscle strain, which can lead to regional or localized extremity pain


Any kind of fall that results in a sprain, strain, or fracture can cause intense pain in the extremities.

Nerve Compression

Conditions that are caused by an irritated or inflamed nerve (for example, carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist) generate a variety of symptoms that include pain, discomfort, tingling, and numbness in the affected extremities.


Two types of arthritis - osteoarthritis and rheumatoid, although caused by remarkably different factors, can cause joint inflammation that leads to pain in the hands and feet.


This chronic pain disorder causes extensive pain throughout the body, including extremities.

Circulatory Conditions

There are numerous causes of poor blood circulation, any one of which can cause a cold or cramping that leads to pain in the extremities.

Peripheral Neuropathy (PN)

This condition refers to damaged peripheral nerves – the part of the nervous system that relays sensory information to the brain. PN, which may develop from a number of causes, including alcohol abuse, diabetes, specific medicine, and more, may cause extremity pain, tingling, and numbness.


Infections (i.e., cellulitis, etc.) and inflammatory conditions (i.e., tendinitis) can cause both swelling and localized discomfort.

Chiropractic Treatment Options for Extremity Pain

A chiropractor encourages your natural healing processes using these techniques -

Joint Manipulations and Adjustments

Chiropractors employ manual and instrument-assisted adjustment techniques to extremity joints – in the shoulder, knee, ankle, elbow, and wrist, which seek to restore proper alignment.

Soft Tissue Methodologies

Techniques like massage, myofascial release, and stretching can reduce muscle tension and enhance circulation to the affected extremities. This might also include hot or cold therapy.

Therapeutic Exercise and Stretching

These types of exercises – to increase one’s flexibility, stability, mobility, and strength, are designed to enhance the overall functioning of the impacted extremity.

Posture & Ergonomics

Chiropractors may provide guidance on proper posture and ergonomics to help prevent further strain (and pain) on the extremities. Orthotics or braces may help to mitigate strain and support the affected extremity.

Other Therapeutic Models

Supplementary modalities – like electric stimulation, laser therapy, or ultrasound, offer additional ways to reduce pain and promote healing.

If you experience persistent or severe pain in your extremities, it's essential to seek an evaluation from a qualified professional to ensure you receive appropriate treatment.

August 2023 Newsletter

 Benefits of Decompression Therapy

Lakewood Chiropractic

Spinal decompression refers to a traction-based, non-surgical therapeutic technique used by chiropractors to reduce and manage the discomfort and pain associated with spinal disc issues and other medical afflictions that may affect the spine. As a therapeutic intervention, spinal decompression has been designed to reduce/relieve pressure placed on nerves, spinal discs, and the surrounding support structures. Ultimately, this alternative medical technique seeks to reduce symptoms and promote the body's natural healing abilities.

During a chiropractic session that includes spinal decompression, a patient lies on a motorized table that is designed specifically for this non-invasive treatment. The therapy involves both stretching and traction of the spine, which creates negative pressure within the targeted spinal discs – helping to retract a herniated or bulging disc that is out of place. In addition, spinal decompression helps improve blood flow to the area, which provides nutrients that support healing.

Conditions Treated by Spinal Decompression Therapy

In addition to effectively treating chronic lower back pain (sometimes without a clear underlying cause), spinal decompression therapy offers relief for these conditions -

Herniated/Bulging Discs

When a disc protrudes anywhere along the spine, it can put pressure on nearby nerves, which may create tingling, discomfort, weakness, and pain.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Over time, the natural wear and tear placed on one's spinal discs causes them to lose their ability to cushion the vertebrae. This process, which is a result of the aging process, can lead to reduced agility and flexibility, as well as pain/discomfort.


The sciatica nerve, which is the body's largest, originates in the lower back and runs along each leg. If this nerve becomes compressed, the condition is known as sciatica. A compressed sciatic nerve can generate significant pain, numbness, and tingling along the lower back and buttocks that radiate down one leg.

Facet Joint Syndrome

This refers to a condition in which the small joints of the spine's vertebrae become irritated or inflamed. The result can be discomfort, stiffness, and pain in the affected area.

Spinal Stenosis

Stenosis refers to a narrowing – in this case, of the spinal canal. The narrowing can pressure nearby nerves and the spinal cord, creating mobility problems and pain.

The Potential Benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal decompression therapy provides a non-surgical option, which is ideal for a) those who are not surgery candidates or b) those who wish to explore alternative, non-surgical options prior to the consideration of surgery. Spinal decompression therapy encourages the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the spine and discs, which potentially offers a faster recovery.

The Reduction of Pain/Discomfort

Spinal decompression, which seeks to address the cause of the pain (rather than mask it with medication), offers a drug-free approach to pain management.

The Reduction of Pressure on Spinal Discs

Spinal decompression creates negative pressure within the spinal discs, which can help draw herniated or bulging disc material back into place. This can reduce compression on nerves and improve spinal alignment.

It is Convenient – With No Down Time

Because this non-invasive procedure is done on an outpatient basis, most people can resume their daily routine soon after.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Spinal decompression is a therapy intervention that can be adapted to meet each client's specific needs and medical response.

How Many Treatments Are Required?

Spinal decompression is typically done over a series of visits, with each visit lasting anywhere from ¼ to ½ hour. Note, however, that the number of spinal decompression sessions will be contingent upon a variety of factors that may include the following –

  • The diagnosis and the condition's severity.
  • The individual's age, level of activity, compliance with lifestyle recommendations, and overall health.
  • How the individual responds to spinal decompression therapy.

As with any medical procedure, it's vital to consult with a chiropractor to determine if this alternative therapy would be an appropriate approach to managing your pain and other symptoms.

June 2023 Chiropractic Newsletter

 Help for Pinched Nerves

Lakewood chiropractic

Pinched nerves happen when bones, tendons, muscles, or inflammation exert excessive pressure on a nerve. If you have a compressed or pinched nerve, your body will likely send warning signals – which often include discomfort, pain, and other symptoms. It is essential not to ignore the warning signs your body is sending.

Fortunately, chiropractic care offers a variety of noninvasive and beneficial techniques that can effectively relieve the pain and symptoms resulting from a pinched nerve.

What is a Pinched Nerve?

Nerves, which extend from your brain & and your spinal cord, have an important function - sending messages (actually electrochemical signals) at incredible speeds (often exceeding 100 miles per hour) to various parts of your body.

The term "pinched nerve" describes a type of damage/injury to a nerve or set of nerves. A pinched nerve may happen in various body parts, including the spine, neck, arms, legs, wrists, hands, and feet. The specific causes of nerve compression will vary and depend on the exact location of your compressed or pinched nerve.

Common Causes of Pinched Nerves

There are various reasons why you may develop a pinched nerve. Nerves are most vulnerable in those parts of the body where they must traverse narrow spaces without much soft tissue to offer protection.

Nerve compression is most likely to happen when a nerve becomes compressed between various body structures (i.e., ligaments, tendons, bones, discs, etc.) or other factors. These include –

  • Herniated/Bulging Discs
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Muscle/soft tissue inflammation
  • Poor posture or holding your body in one position for long stretches of time (waking up after sleeping in an awkward position).
  • Injury or Trauma
  • Repetitive Motion or Overuse
  • Bone Spurs
  • Certain Types of Arthritis

Common Pinched Nerve Symptoms

The potential damage from a pinched nerve varies from minor to severe, and the resulting symptoms may be temporary or develop into chronic, long-lasting problems. So, the earlier the diagnosis, the earlier your treatment for the pinched nerve can begin, and the quicker you will start to feel relief.

Symptoms from a pinched nerve may result from changes to your spinal discs or vertebrae and manifest in a number of ways - from pain, weakness, and tingling to numbness in a related area. Other symptoms might include -

  • When inflamed at the root, the nerve may cause lower back or neck pain.
  • Cervical Radiculopathy – Pain, numbness, and tingling radiating from the neck region through the shoulder and the arm. Additionally, nerve compression in the neck or arm may cause hand, wrist, elbow, and finger symptoms. Untreated nerve compressions in the neck or arm/hand may potentially lead to –
    • Peripheral Neuropathy
    • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and more
  • Lumbar Radiculopathy /Sciatica - Pain that may radiate down one/both legs.

Common Pinched Nerve Chiropractic Treatment Options

Chiropractors are professionally trained to apply various therapeutic interventions to identify and address a pinched nerve's symptoms/underlying causes. Chiropractors can relieve pain using-

Spinal Adjustments

Also known as spinal manipulations, this relieves pressure on the nerve by restoring proper alignment, reducing pain, and increasing mobility.

Soft Tissue Therapy

These therapies, which often include massage and other techniques, help relax tightened muscles and reduce inflammation in the afflicted area. Releasing muscle tension is an effective way to reduce pressure.

Lifestyle Modifications, Posture & Ergonomic Guidance

Chiropractors can help educate patients on how proper posture and the addition of ergonomic features/furniture can help alleviate nerve compression and pain. Therapeutic exercises that help to improve posture will offer pain relief and help reduce the risk of future nerve compression.

In addition, to help keep you moving pain-free, chiropractors may offer lifestyle adjustments that will help better manage your condition and its symptoms. Lifestyle changes may include exercising, stretching, and relaxation techniques that help relieve stress and muscle tension, which can often contribute to your pinched nerve.

If you are experiencing pain, call our office today for a complimentary consultation to determine if chiropractic can help you.

May Chiropractic Newsletter: 

Common Reasons and Treatments for Shoulder Pain

Lakewood Chiropractic

Shoulder pain is a common and debilitating condition that affects millions. Fortunately, chiropractors can provide lasting pain relief.

Sadly, shoulder pain is one of the most common conditions people will face. Research published by the National Library of Medicine has found that more than a quarter of people may experience shoulder pain. Many will suffer chronic and recurrent shoulder pain, and it could have a major impact on their quality of life. Fortunately, a chiropractor can provide hands-on treatment that could deliver lasting relief.

Let’s take a look at what causes shoulder pain and how a chiropractor can help.

Getting to the Root of Shoulder Pain

Why does shoulder pain occur? Often, pain is the result of improper heavy lifting, a slip and fall, car accidents, and other events. In some cases, shoulder pain may be the result of or aggravated by hereditary and medical conditions.

Digging deeper, shoulder pain is often the result of improper spinal alignment. Misalignment of other bones and tissues could also cause or aggravate you or your loved one’s condition. Hands-on therapy can be used to ensure proper alignment of the spine and other bones and tissues, which can reduce strain and provide relief.

Unfortunately, many conditions and events can affect the alignment of the spine and other bones and tissues, including:

  • Whiplash and other injuries sustained during car accidents and similar events
  • Poor ergonomics, including chairs and beds that don’t provide enough support
  • Arthritis and general wear and tear on the shoulder
  • Strain due to overexertion
  • Avascular necrosis (bone tissue death) and other medical conditions

Aging can impact your overall health and make shoulder pain more likely. As the years go by, folks should reduce heavy lifting and pay extra close attention to ergonomics, among other things. However, young people can suffer from shoulder pain.

If you’re not sure what’s causing the aches, it’s smart to talk with a chiropractor, who may be able to help you pin down the cause.

Chiropractors Provide Lasting Pain Relief by Addressing Underlying Conditions

Crucially, chiropractors don’t depend on medication to treat pain. Not only are many medications expensive, but they can also have serious side effects. Sadly, many people also become addicted to pain medications. On top of all that, these medicines may only mask the pain, meaning it’ll return, and as your body builds up immunity to the medications, they may also prove less effective.

Folks shouldn’t have to suffer through pain or rely on medication to enjoy a good life. Fortunately, working with a chiropractor is a safe and direct way to address not just shoulder pain, but the underlying conditions that are causing pain.

Let’s look at some of the specific ways a chiropractor can help patients address shoulder pain.

Spinal Manipulation and Correction

One of the most powerful treatment methods a chiropractor can offer is spinal manipulation. With this treatment method, chiropractors will gently adjust the shape of the spine, aiming to ensure proper alignment. Your spine forms the foundation for your body, and its alignment can greatly impact your shoulder and even your limbs.

By adjusting the spine, a chiropractor may be able to reduce strain on muscles, bones, and other tissues, such as cartilage and tendons. This, in turn, can reduce strain and pain, including in the shoulder.

Soft Tissue Manipulation

Chiropractors can work muscles with various physical modalities to break up scar tissue and stimulate increased blood circulation, thus potentially providing effective pain relief without needing to rely on medications.

Helping Patients Formulate Exercise Routines

A chiropractor can help you devise routines and workouts that could relieve strain and improve strength, thus improving back and shoulder health.

If you or a loved one are suffering from shoulder pain, contact our office to pave the path to pain relief.

Chiropractic Newsletter April 2023:

Causes of Neck Pain Your Chiropractor Can Help With

Lakewood chiropractic

The neck is a critical part of the body, and much more complicated than it may first appear. It is made up of seven bones, called cervical vertebrae, as well as more than twenty muscles that must support the weight of the head. Not only do the nerves that travel to the shoulders and into the arms emerge from the spinal cord in the neck, but so do the occipital nerves, which travel upward to the back of the head and scalp. Being such an important area for the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems, the neck also gets a lot of attention from chiropractors. This month, we’re going to explore some of the most common causes of neck pain for which people come into chiropractic offices and what you can expect a chiropractor to do to relieve your pain and solve its cause.

Principles of Chiropractic

Chiropractors are doctors who provide conservative care. We believe that the body is best able to heal itself when messages are able to travel along the nervous system without disruption and when the soft tissues do not have to overcompensate for weakness or tightness in each other. Although chiropractors cannot treat every problem that could potentially arise in the neck, we can treat many of the most common causes of pain, numbness, tingling, or fatigue, and can do so in a manner that does not depend on drugs or surgery and which sets a patient up to maintain good health and a pain-free life on their own.

Because each part of the body is connected, symptoms in the neck do not always originate from problems there, and issues in the neck may be felt somewhere else. Some of the best examples of these are how tightness in the muscles in the upper back can pull on the neck, and how impingement of nerve roots can cause shocks that travel along the nerve to the shoulder or top of the head.

Disc Injuries

The spinal discs are natural shock absorbers. They are located in between the bodies of vertebrae that are not fused together, with the exception of the atlas and axis vertebrae, which are the top two in the neck. They are made up of a gelatinous center surrounded by fibrous rings. As a person ages, the discs lose fluid, reducing their effectiveness as shock absorbers and making them more vulnerable to acute injuries. When discs are failing, their inner material may bulge out, compressing nearby nerve roots or other soft tissues.

Our chiropractic office will typically treat a disc problem by performing adjustments on your neck to relieve pressure on it and give the leaking fluid a chance to return to its proper place. Additionally, we recommend therapeutic spinal decompression according to the same principle. This would be done over several visits.


Osteoarthritis is the gradual breakdown of cartilage, a material that cushions and lubricates joints. Inflammation caused by the breakdown may prompt the creation of bone spurs, which may grind on each other or push against the surrounding muscles. Chiropractic adjustments can be used to realign the joints of the cervical vertebrae to stop them from improperly rubbing on each other.


Whiplash is an injury caused by rapid acceleration and deceleration, causing the head to whip back and forth. It may cause microtears in the neck’s muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and discs. Besides radiating pain and fatigue, this can also cause dizziness.

Our office will may want to take imaging tests before beginning treatment, such as x-rays for bone and joint problems, or request a copy of your previous run tests, CAT scan or MRI.  If the injuries can be treated conservatively, solutions may include adjustments to the joints and physical modalities to accelerate the healing of soft tissues and break up scar tissue, including electric muscle stimulation, therapeutic massage, therapeutic ultrasound, and possibly others. These treatments would also reduce inflammation and allow the patient to regain their full range of motion without locking or weakness.

Chiropractic Newsletter March 2023:
Chiropractic Care and Rest

Lakewood chiropractic

One of the most pressing reasons people seek chiropractic care is that they’re having trouble resting. Even if they find joint dysfunction manageable throughout the day, they may be waking up in pain throughout the night or find that they suffer from soreness in the morning. Since chiropractors take a holistic view of the body, we understand that sleep deprivation and inflammation feed into each other. However, this also works in reverse, and reducing one may also reduce the other. This month, we’re going to explore some common problems and what people can do to fix them at home while also getting chiropractic treatments.

Arthritis and Restlessness

Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints, and it is a term used to describe lots of different diseases. Some of those have measurable connections to sleep. At night, the body releases less of the anti-inflammatory hormone cortisol and more pro-inflammatory cytokines. We also know that lack of sleep drives more extreme inflammation responses, including in people with osteoarthritis, the disease in which the cartilage that lines the joints is wearing away. Insomnia also makes pain feel more intense. However, getting better rest makes people more resilient to inflammatory reactions. This is one of the reasons why chiropractors say that getting aligned so your joints are under less pressure can improve your immune response.

Practical Tips

There are some simple lifestyle changes we can make to give ourselves a better chance at rest regardless of any other treatments we’re getting. Among those are making our bedrooms places that are only used for sleeping. Just as we shouldn’t be doing anything that makes us anxious or excited before bed, we shouldn’t be doing those things in the space we want to associate with rest, either. For general wellness purposes, having a firmer mattress is usually better for spinal alignment and joint support. A mattress that is too old to be firm may need to be replaced, although its life could be extended with a firm mattress topper. We shift position in our sleep, and it’s necessary to do so to prevent soreness, but it may be easier to fall asleep if we try a different position. We recommend that patients hold a pillow between their knees if they sleep on their sides. Lying flat on your back may be a problem if you have obstructive sleep apnea, which means that the soft tissues of your throat sag into your airway and disrupt your breathing while you’re asleep, but sleeping on your back is helpful for your joints. The worst sleep position is on your front since this forces your head back and turns it sideways.

Common Treatments for Sore Muscles and Joints

For many conditions we recommend stretches to do at home to help connective tissues regain their strength and flexibility. Doing these before bed can reduce the risk that they will tighten while one is inactive in sleep.

Chiropractic adjustments put joints back into place, but our office also provides services that work on inflamed tissues directly. These include laser therapy, which induces soft tissues to release more energy they can devote to healing. Other services we provide are Therastim, Trigger Point Therapy, DDT among other treatments. Chiropractic treatments often work better the more they are done, so as they reduce inflammation, the patient’s rest improves, creating a positive feedback cycle. To learn more, visit our website at

Chiropractic February Newsletter:
Problems in the Back Muscles


Problems in the Back Muscles

Chiropractors are concerned with optimizing the function of the entire body. Because the nerves leading to every part of the body emerge from the spinal cord, chiropractors are particularly concerned with the spinal column. But that doesn’t mean chiropractors only care about the back’s joints and nerve roots. Healthy muscles are also essential to keeping the spine aligned, and when they are having problems, chiropractors provide several safe, non-invasive solutions that cultivate lasting health.

How Back Spasms Work

A strain is an injury to a muscle or a tendon, which are the fibrous bands that link muscles to bones. A spasm, also called a cramp, is what we call it when a muscle contracts and is unable to relax when a person wants it to. It is often painful and may last for a few seconds or several minutes.

Muscles are complex systems that balance each other. Spasms have many potential causes, including both muscle fatigue and that the muscle might not be getting stretched enough. People are at increased risk for back spasms if they have weak core muscles, as that increases the burden on the spinal column, or weak hamstrings, which may tighten and pull on the lower back. Other risk factors include lack of blood flow or minerals and involuntary nerve discharges, which could be related to nerve impingements.

Chiropractic Pain Relief

It is not always possible to identify any single cause of back spasms, but there are several treatments that are helpful in most situations. We generally don’t recommend that people totally refrain from activity for long, or else their muscles may continue to weaken and tighten. If the cramp is related to an injury, it’s a good idea to apply ice for the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours, but not longer. Past that point, the goal shifts from preventing inflammation to reducing it.

Spinal adjustments help to ensure that the muscles aren’t being compressed or overstretched by displaced spinal joints. Traction can help herniated disc material move back into place, which both relieves pressure on nerves and stops the inflammatory reaction triggered by the disc injury.

Our chiropractic office also provides services that are specialized for soft tissue relief. These may include therapeutic massages, which stretch muscles, and therapy to break up scar tissue adhesions. Another common physical modality is electric muscle stimulation, which forces muscles to contract and relax, aiding circulation.

Preventing Relapses

The best thing you can do to prevent back spasms is to keep your muscles flexible. This will mean regular stretching and maintaining the strength of your core. You should also make sure you remain hydrated, especially during exercise, and that you’re replacing lost electrolytes. Maintaining good posture while driving and at your desk will reduce your risk of straining your back muscles, and following proper safety protocols when moving heavy objects will reduce the odds of an acute injury.

January 2023 Chiropractic Newsletter

How Chiropractors Help After Auto Accidents

Chiropractic is a philosophy that treats the whole body as an interconnected set of systems that have the natural power to heal themselves when they are put in the right position to do so. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that chiropractors are valuable resources for anyone who has suffered jostling and strains in an auto accident. Read below to see exactly what chiropractors do to help injured people heal better and prevent problems from becoming debilitating.


Whiplash tends to get a lot of attention in chiropractic media because it is very common and can be quite serious. It is defined as an injury to the neck resulting from rapid acceleration and deceleration, which generally occurs in the context of a rear-end collision. Whiplash often causes the neck to feel stiff and sore and can also trigger headaches, due to a nerve impingement or obstruction in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. It may also result in fatigue and pain in the muscles in the shoulder and upper back that connect to the neck, which must compensate for tightness in the tissues they attach to or balance.

Symptoms of whiplash sometimes take several days to develop, but they can linger for weeks or months. They may also come and go. For this reason, we suggest visiting a chiropractor for diagnostics after a car crash in which you
suffered whiplash even if you don’t feel anything wrong yet or the problem seems to have already cleared up.

Shoulder Injuries

Pain in the shoulder is sometimes referred from the neck, but it’s possible that the shoulder itself is injured. The shoulder joint is the most mobile in the body, and while it is supported by strong connective tissues, its complexity makes it vulnerable to injury. The shoulder joint is held in place by the rotator cuff, which is a group of muscles and tendons. When these issues are strained, they will tighten, making it harder for the shoulder to move. The cartilage sealing the shoulder’s ball-and-socket joint may also be damaged. If components of the shoulder are out of place, they may compress the bursa, a sac that provides cushioning and produces lubricating fluid, resulting in inflammation.

Complementary Treatments

Chiropractors will both relieve symptoms associated with an injury and allow the body to heal in a manner that will restore its strength and healthy range of mobility. If the bones are not fractured, we will usually be able to mobilize them back into place. Chiropractors are trained in a wide variety of adjustments to ensure we use the appropriate one for a particular joint. Our office also provides decompression therapy in cases where a herniated disc in the neck needs to be moved back into place to relieve an impinged nerve. Our office also offers soft tissue therapies to allow damaged muscles and tendons to heal without scarring or break up scar tissue that is already restricting movement. Common physical modalities include electric muscle stimulation, low level laser therapy, and therapeutic ultrasound. Rehabilitative exercises will also prevent the muscles from atrophying and allow them to provide the joints with better support in the future. If you have been injured in an accident, call our office today for a complementary exam to see if chiropractic can help you.

December 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

Help for Herniated Discs 

Herniated discs are a common reason for people to seek chiropractic care. Many of the symptoms caused by a disc herniation, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, can have other potential causes, as well. Chiropractic is centered on the belief that the body is capable of healing itself when it is put in the best position to do so, and major intervention for herniated discs is usually not necessary. However, patients should know they don’t just have to tolerate pain, either, and that a chiropractor can help them recover and lower their risk of recurrence.

How do Herniated Discs Happen?

The spinal discs are the shock absorbers located between each of the articulated vertebrae, save for the top two. (Articulated means those that move independently, as opposed to the fused structures of the sacrum and coccyx below the spinal cord.) Spinal discs are made up of gelatinous fluid surrounded by rubbery fibers. When the fibers wear out or are injured, the gel can push through, distorting the shape of the disc and making it less functional. Spinal discs naturally lose fluid as people age, and it’s not always possible to determine exactly what caused them to rupture. But risk factors include both a sedentary lifestyle and lifting heavy objects, as well as excess weight.

What Happens When a Disc is Herniated? 

Herniated discs are not always noticeable, but they may cause localized soreness and the leaking gel can trigger an inflammatory reaction in nearby tissue. Even more concerning, the herniated material could compress a nerve near where it emerges from the spinal cord. The most common place for a herniated disc is in the lower back, so it is often one of the sciatic nerves, which run from the back down each leg, that gets pinched. However, a herniated disc in the neck could compress one of the nerves that travel into the shoulders and arms. Pinched nerve symptoms include radiating shocks, numbness, and tingling. It may also be harder to move muscles that receive messages from that particular nerve.

Diagnostic and Treatment 

Discs don’t show up on x-rays, but your chiropractor may want to order them to rule out other potential causes of your symptoms. Chiropractic treatment includes spinal decompression therapy to help discs move back into place. Opening up space between the vertebrae may be done with traction. Chiropractors may also perform spinal adjustments to realign the vertebrae and discs, as well as therapy which may include electric muscle stimulation, ultrasound, or trigger point stimulation. Chiropractors will also frequently recommend therapeutic exercises to strengthen the core and other back muscles. These will reduce the risk of overburdening the discs in the future and help to ensure a complete recovery. 

November 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter


Before you exercise, it’s always a good idea to spend a few minutes warming up with dynamic stretches that require you to keep in motion, as opposed to holding a stretch for several seconds. A five-minute warmup is often appropriate. One of the most important factors is to wear boots with slip-resistant soles, and only put them on if they are dry.

Staying Safe While Groundskeeping

If you are responsible for maintaining an outdoor space, you know there are different challenges at different times of the year. But during the late autumn and early winter, many homeowners are doing particularly intense work that may not resemble their usual activities. While outdoor activities is good exercise and an opportunity to get much-needed sunlight, there are certain precautions that we must take to reduce the risk of an accident.

The weather is another factor to keep in mind. You don’t want the ground to be wet when you’re raking, and you don’t want the leaves to be weighted down with water while you’re carrying them, either.

As for equipment, try to keep to rakes and shovels that are lightweight. It doesn’t make sense to use one that is wider than what you are able to lift. Many also have adjustable handles so you won’t have to bend over for a long time. If you are using a ladder to place outdoor lights, keep it on level ground, and keep the base of an extension ladder within a distance of the wall equal to ¼ of how high up you will be going. You will also have to brace or tie it securely.


Rake in a scissor-stance, with one foot forward and one foot back. While shoveling, you should stand with your feet at hip-width apart. You will pile leaves to your side, and switch which side of your body you are piling on about every fifteen minutes. (This will also mean changing which hand is higher on the handle.) Remember, you don’t have to scrape all the way down to the ground with each pass. If you need to carry a load in the rake or shovel, keep one hand near the blade and the other near the far end of the handle.

As you fill a leaf bag, test periodically whether you must strain to lift it. You probably won’t be able to fill the bag to the top before it gets too heavy. When you move the bag, remember the standard rules about lifting heavy objects: crouch down instead of bending over, carry it near the vertical midline of your body, and turn your whole body when you change direction instead of twisting your torso. If you need to bend over, pivot at your hips instead of your lower back.

You may also be able to avoid piling up snow if you start shoveling from the midpoint of your driveway, instead of pushing snow the entire length or width.

At Lakewood Chiropractic, we want you well enough to go about your normal activities, but also value prevention. Be willing to take breaks even if it means you won’t get done when you wanted to, stop doing anything that hurts, and hire someone else if you need to.

September 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

Backpack Usage

With school in session again, many children have resumed wearing backpacks. As this is typically the heaviest load children carry, children who suffer from musculoskeletal pain will often feel it most intensely while using a backpack, but pain can also persist or flare up afterward. Of course, children are not the only people who are vulnerable to misusing backpacks, but we thought now would be a good time to share some advice about safe usage with all our patients, and to provide some guidance on how chiropractic offices can assist people experiencing pain in their backs, shoulders, and necks.

Common Problems

When a backpack is overloaded, the straps tend to dig into the shoulders and trapezius muscles of the wearer. This can restrict circulation to the arms and put stress on the rotator cuffs. Potential consequences include shocks, numbness, or tingling along the upper limbs, and the effect may be worse if a person wears a backpack on just one shoulder. It’s also common for wearers to lean forward to try to balance the weight, which is an inefficient posture that forces them to bend their necks in order to see ahead of them. It is also easier for a person in this posture to fall over.

Back pain and other problems from inefficient backpack usage do not usually cause permanent problems in children, but they won’t go away as long as the child is misusing the backpack. Older people should be mindful of the risk of wear-and-tear injuries and take pain seriously, as well.

Proper Backpack Usage

To begin with, a backpack is still a better option than a messenger bag, due to having two straps, but this is only true when both straps are used. The straps should be wide and padded. They should not be tight enough for the shoulders to feel compressed, but they should prevent the backpack from dangling down to the wearer’s lumbar region. It is also advisable to get a backpack with a waist strap.

Chiropractors usually recommend keeping a backpack’s weight to less than fifteen percent of the wearer’s weight. But how that weight is distributed also makes a difference. Heavier objects should be placed in the bag first so that they won’t shift around, and they should be put on the side closer to the body. Other objects should be distributed throughout different compartments in order to spread out their weight. A backpack also shouldn’t be worn for longer than is necessary to move objects from one place to another, and features such as pull-out handles or wheels are dead weight if they aren’t actually being used.

Relief from Backpack-Related Pain

Normally, pain from overusing a backpack will subside when somebody stops overusing it. Pain may be worse in children who are developing scoliosis, which they should be regularly assessed for. If your child is still complaining of soreness, your chiropractor can offer several non-invasive, non-medicative therapies, including spinal adjustments for developing bodies. Many offices also offer soft tissue therapies such as low-level laser and therapeutic massages that can reduce muscle inflammation and speed the healing process. Your chiropractor can also provide advice on more efficient posture and how to set up a workstation so it won’t additionally stress a child’s back.

August 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

Chiropractic and Headaches

Chiropractic is a whole-body approach to wellness, characterized by understanding how the different components of the musculoskeletal system affect each other and treating them with minimal invasiveness. When you understand that, it makes a lot of sense why so many people go to chiropractors’ offices to find relief from headaches. Although there are many reasons why a person might sometimes feel pain in their head, chiropractors are well-equipped to handle two of the most common recurring types of headaches: those which are cervicogenic and which result from tension. This month, we’re discussing what makes these headaches different and why your chiropractor has an important part in helping you to manage and prevent them.

Some Causes of Secondary Headaches

Secondary headaches are those which are symptoms of another problem. The word cervicogenic refers to something that begins in the neck. However, headaches caused by issues in the neck are not always accompanied by pain in the neck itself. Cervicogenic headaches are the result of pain being referred from the upper spinal nerves to the trigeminal nerve, which branches to the top of the head and parts of the upper face. Compression in the upper spinal nerves can result from subluxations in the spinal vertebrae, herniated discs, or swollen soft tissues. Injuries like these are often caused by whiplash. However, cervicogenic headaches can also result from chronic wear-and-tear, such as if a person maintains a posture with their head thrust forward. Tension headaches may start in the head and radiate to the neck, or move in the other direction. When a person feels stressed or fatigued, muscles in their scalp, face, and neck tense up. Tension in the muscles in the head can also trigger tightness in the trapezius muscles, which run from the upper neck to the shoulder and mid-back.

Recognizing Secondary Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches and tension headaches have some symptoms in common, as well as some treatments. One of the telltale differences is that cervicogenic headaches tend to be restricted to one side of the head, whereas tension headaches stretch across the forehead and temples. Tension headaches also tend not to get worse with activity, but cervicogenic headaches can be triggered by certain movements or external pressure. They also tend to be accompanied by inflexibility in the neck, even if the neck itself doesn’t hurt.

How Chiropractors Can Help

Chiropractors are trained to provide spinal adjustments, which can relieve impingements on nerve roots at their point of exit from the spinal cord. This can help reduce shocks traveling along nerves that emerge in the neck if something was subluxated. Chiropractic adjustments can also help ensure that cerebrospinal fluid is traveling unobstructed and that muscles aren’t having to glide over displaced vertebrae or spinal disc tissue.

Chiropractic offices also offer a variety of physical modalities that can be used to help reduce muscle tension and speed the healing of soft tissues. Therapeutic massages can release tense neck muscles, but they shouldn’t be confused with the massages a person would get just for relaxation. Low level laser therapy can also stimulate soft tissues’ ability to self-heal and increase blood flow through inflamed tissues. To learn more, contact our office at 816-373-3373 or visit us online at

June 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

Maintaining Musculoskeletal Safety

Back and neck pain are extremely common, and people’s risk of incurring them increases with age. Many people may take for granted that musculoskeletal dysfunction is just a normal part of life, but that doesn’t have to be true. Chiropractic is based on the belief that the body has the ability to keep itself healthy when put in the right position to do so. This June is National Safety Month, and since chiropractors are often a crucial part of accident victims’ care teams, we are taking a look at some of the factors that put people at greater risk for a musculoskeletal injury and what they can do to prevent accidents.

Risk Factors

Injuries may be acute, meaning short-term and usually the result of a specific incident, or chronic, meaning long-term and usually degenerative. Having a chronic condition puts people at greater risk of developing acute injuries. But there are other things that put people at risk for back pain as well, including poor posture, weak core muscles, excessive weight, pregnancy, and things that restrict blood circulation such as smoking and diabetes. Musculoskeletal injuries often result from falls, which people are at increased risk for if they have poor vision, take medications for sleeping or relaxing, or have balance or muscle strength problems that interfere with walking on uneven surfaces. Once people are in their thirties, they become more likely to suffer an injury while lifting a heavy object.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Back Pain

Your chiropractor can help you determine which exercises are safe if you’re already injured or suffering a condition. But for most adults, it’s a good idea to get in one hundred and fifty minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity or seventy-five minutes of vigorous aerobic activity (neither should be done all in one workout). A good idea is to do aerobic exercises like swimming that won’t further jostle your spinal column or other joints, or like yoga, which strengthens and stretches the core muscles. We depend on our cores to ease the weight burden on our spinal discs and to help us maintain good posture while standing or seated. It’s also wise to do strength training exercises twice a week, as these increase bone density as well as muscle mass and make balancing easier.

Maintaining bone density also depends on nutrition. In addition to consuming calcium, which is an essential component of bone tissue, we need to produce Vitamin D to absorb it. The easiest way to stimulate production of Vitamin D is to get regular exposure to direct sunlight.

We should try to avoid maintaining the same position for too long, but some postures put less strain on our musculoskeletal system than others. When seated, we should keep our backs straight against the chair and our feet flat on the floor. The position of a monitor shouldn’t require us to look down, and our shoulders shouldn’t have to hunch up.

Proper Lifting Technique

Some ways of carrying heavy objects are more dangerous than others. If you must move something heavy and you’re not used to doing it, you may have forgotten the proper protocol, and you don’t want to be reminded by a herniated disc. When you pick up something heavy, spread your legs apart and squat down next to it. Lift yourself by pushing upward with your legs instead of bending your back and avoid sudden movements. You’ll need to keep your core muscles tight and hold the object close to your body and as centered as you can get it. Don't twist your torso as you’re moving and take equal care to lower the object slowly and by squatting down when you reach your destination. For more information on how to prevent or treat back pain, call our office to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation at 816-373-3373.

May 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Pain in the lower back is very common in part due to the large number of things that cause it. In addition to lumbar disc degeneration, facet joint inflammation, and muscle tightness, one of the potential causes of a patient’s pain is dysfunction in the sacroiliac joints. These are the joints that connect the sacrum, a structure at the base of the spine, to the pelvis. Although pain from sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be a major problem, it is often responsive to the non-invasive, non-addictive treatments provided in a chiropractic office.

How Sacroiliac Dysfunction Occurs

The sacrum is made up of several vertebrae that are fused together without any discs between them. Some of the roots of the sciatic nerves emerge from the sacrum, and the coccyx, or tailbone, hangs beneath it. The top portions of the pelvis are the iliac crests, and the places on either side of the sacrum where it connects to the pelvis are normally among the body’s more stable joints. The deep connective soft tissues of the pelvic region keep the sacroiliac joints in place and provide them with cushioning.

When the sacroiliac joint is inflamed, we call that “sacroiliitis.” However, inflammation is not always necessary for the joint to be unstable or too stiff. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction does not always have a clear cause, but it can sometimes be traced back to traumatic injuries, different kinds of arthritis, or the weakening of joints and connective tissues caused by hormones released during pregnancy. People are also at risk of developing it if one of their legs is longer than the other.

Symptoms and Identification

Pain from sacroiliac joint dysfunction may radiate to the lower back, the buttocks, the groin, or the thigh, but is usually only felt on one side. It may be described as dull or sharp and sometimes mimics symptoms of sciatica. The pain is often worse when a person walks up stairs or must stand for a long time.

Several tests are used to diagnose sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Many of them involve a doctor pressing against the sacroiliac joint and other structures to see what elicits a response, and some require a patient to demonstrate their range of motion. A doctor may also try numbing the joint to determine whether that alleviates the pain. Imaging tests may be commissioned to rule out other potential causes.

Chiropractic and Other Common Treatments Adjustments by hand or instrument are one of the most popular and effective ways of relieving sacroiliac pain. In addition to adjusting the joint itself, a chiropractor may work its surrounding soft tissues if they have tightened as well as prescribe therapeutic treatments. 

March 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

Treating and Preventing Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common experience among adults, and one of the reasons people are most likely to seek care from a chiropractic office. Although chiropractic is often thought of as a field devoted to back pain, the neck is part of the spinal column, and maintaining its comfort and function is necessary for the health of the rest of the body. Being a complex structure, there are many ways in which things can go wrong in the neck, but many ailments can be treated through means that don’t rely on drugs or surgery. There are also some ways in which people can reduce their risk of incurring long-term neck pain, which we want all our patients to be aware of.

The Structure of the Neck

There are seven vertebrae in the spine’s cervical region that make up the neck bones. All but the top two are separated by discs consisting of a gelatinous nucleus and a rubbery outer ring. Nerves leading to the shoulders and down into the arms emerge from canals in the neck vertebrae, which is why swelling in this area can cause nerve dysfunction in the upper limbs. Muscles called the levator scapulae connect the top vertebrae to the shoulders, and muscles called suboccipitals connect the upper vertebrae to the base of the skull. There are also muscles in the neck that connect vertebrae to each other and run from the skull to the mid-back and shoulders. Pain in these muscles can be referred along their length, and tightness in them can cause strain in the muscles that balance them.

As with vertebrae further down, the cervical vertebrae are connected to each other by facet joints in their rear. These joints are cushioned by cartilage and lubricated by fluid produced by synovial tissue.

Injuries and Diseases

When a person’s head is rapidly swung forward and then back, as commonly happens during car crashes, they are likely to immediately feel pain. It is a good idea to seek emergency care after this sort of event, or when neck pain is accompanied by fever, difficulty balancing, or loss of bladder or bowel control. However, symptoms resulting from acute injuries can be delayed, and an emergency room may refer a patient for complementary care in a chiropractic office once their problem has been identified and stabilized.

Often, neck pain is chronic (lasting more than three months) or recurring due to gradual breakdown in the neck’s tissues. Spinal discs gradually lose fluid over the course of a person’s life, and by the time they are in their sixties, the discs have become less effective shock absorbers and can more easily become herniated. Wear to cartilage or synovial membranes can prompt inflammation, and if the vertebrae are being stressed, they may develop bony spurs which would put more pressure on nearby soft tissues. Treatment will be more effective if this is caught early.

How Chiropractors Help

Chiropractic offices utilize several pain relief techniques, including spinal adjustments to mobilize dislocated tissues back into place. This will often remove impingements on nerves and muscles, allowing them to rebuild with less discomfort to the patient. At our office we also prescribe therapeutic exercises and use non-drug anti-inflammatory treatments, such as therapeutic massages, low-level laser, and electric muscle stimulation. We can also help patients acquire more supportive or specialized pillows if their sleep or driving habits are straining their necks.

If you are experiencing neck pain, call our office today at 816-373-3373 for a free consulation.

January 2022 Chiropractic Newsletter

Exercise for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread muscle pain and tenderness. It is often followed by fatigue and poor sleep, memory, and mood. When you have fibromyalgia, the last thing you probably want to do is exercise your pain-riddled body. However, exercise might be exactly what you need to help relieve symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. Our practice believes that adjustments and laser therapy can help relieve symptoms, but we also want to stress that exercise is key. Whether it be daily walks, swimming, yoga, stretching, or pilates, these activities not only help you stay fit but reduce your pain as well.

With the added effects of chiropractic treatment, you will experience increased energy levels, better circulation, and a stronger immune system. Exercise is the next step towards managing your fibromyalgia symptoms. After a full examination by our doctors, a better understanding of your daily symptoms will help move you forward with the proper treatment.

It is essential for fibromyalgia patients to keep their muscles strong and flexible. Exercise allows you to do just that, while also controlling your weight. The following list expresses just some of the benefits of exercising:

  • Higher range of motion in painful muscles and joints
  • Improved quality of sleep
  • Increased energy
  • Stronger muscles and bones
  • Pain relief

There are three different types of exercise patients should consider:

  • Stretching exercises.Stretching will help maintain your muscle flexibility and strength.
  • Aerobic/endurance exercises.Recent studies show that aerobic exercise is the most beneficial to fibromyalgia patients. This includes cardiovascular forms of exercise like biking, swimming, and walking.
  • Strengthening exercises.These help you maintain and continue to build strong tendons and muscles that will support your joints.

Though exercise is beneficial for fibromyalgia, it is crucial to start off slowly. Begin with low-impact activities in order to not overwork or injure your muscles. Speak to our doctors about the duration of your workouts. On average, patients should be working out two to three times a week, between twenty to thirty minutes a session.

If you or someone you know has fibromyalgia and is struggling with the symptoms on a daily basis, contact our office today. We will perform a full examination and get you started on a treatment plan unique to your needs. You don’t have to suffer through your fibromyalgia. There are ways to manage your pain, and we can help you with that!

December 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

Spinal Decompression Therapy

If you have back pain that just won’t go away, it can really make life difficult. We all just want to perform our daily duties without pain and discomfort. After trying over-the-counter pain medication with no luck, you may think that finding relief is impossible. We’re here to tell you that it is possible to find relief. Very rarely, surgery is required if a patient’s back pain is severe enough. But more commonly, nonsurgical spinal decompression is used to not only give you relief but also reverse the problem so that you don’t experience any discomfort again.

Spinal decompression therapy involves motorized traction and gentle spine stretches to help relieve your back pain. These change the position of the spine, taking pressure off the spinal disks and creating negative pressure in your spine. If you have a bulging or herniated disk, with this treatment, they retract and take pressure off the nerves in your back as well as other structures in your spine. This helps promote the movement of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids to your disks so that they may heal quicker and more efficiently.

Spinal decompression therapy has been proven to treat:

  • Back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Bulging or herniated disks
  • Worn spinal joints
  • Injured or diseased nerves

It’s important to also know what causes spinal compression. Sometimes you can go about your daily life and accidentally injure your back. Things like lifting incorrectly or sitting or standing too long, activities part of everyday life, can affect your back. But there are also several conditions that can cause spinal compression, such as:

  • Degenerative disk disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Disk herniation
  • Bone spurs
  • Spinal tumors

Do you suffer from back pain and feel like you have nowhere to go? Contact our office today to set up an appointment. One of our experienced chiropractors will get you on a treatment plan unique to your problem. You don’t have to live with back pain for the rest of your life. We can help you find relief and reverse your problem!

November 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

Holiday Travel for People with Musculoskeletal Trouble

For many people, the upcoming fall and winter holidays will be the first time they’ve traveled in a while. And if you’re new to traveling after incurring a musculoskeletal injury or you’re unsure how travel may have changed, you may be concerned about aggravating your discomfort. Your chiropractor can provide you with information that is more specific to your needs, but in general, there are a few things that are good for people traveling with joint injuries to keep in mind. Some of them require a bit of advanced planning, so we wanted to pass them along while Thanksgiving is still a few weeks away and patients can determine which form of travel makes the most sense for them and whether they will be able to stay with relatives or in a disability-accessible hotel room.

Getting Ready for Your Trip

Although the Americans with Disabilities Act requires companies to provide accommodations for people with pain and mobility problems, some patients may be unaware of what resources are available to them or not know to call ahead. If you anticipate a long time in a vehicle, it may be an especially good idea to wear a brace and bring a cold pack or single-use hand warmers. If possible, use suitcases with pull-out handles and wheels, but if that makes them too large to qualify as carry-on items, a backpack might be better than a one-handed bag or shoulder-bag. If your chiropractor approves the use of a backpack, you’ll still need to wear it correctly. That means pulling the straps snug so that it rests in the middle of your upper back, as opposed to hanging down in your lumbar region, packing heavier objects first so they won’t shift position as much, and distributing weight within the backpack as evenly as possible. Even in people without musculoskeletal problems, a backpack should not weigh more than ten percent of their body weight.

While You are In Transit

For most people, regular stretches are a vital part of rebuilding muscle strength and flexibility. Keeping still for several hours is generally not optimal, and if you are traveling by car, try to give yourself an opportunity to get out and move around at least every ninety minutes. If you travel by train, bus, or airplane, you may want to do stretches before boarding, and ask for opportunities to do more stretches periodically in the aisle. At the least, you may have chances to walk around or stretch in your seat and may ask for assistance putting luggage in overhead bins. You may also bring neck-pillows, cylindrical wedges for your lower back, or ring-shaped cushions. When seated, try to keep your feet flat on the floor and to keep your knees and hips at a ninety-degree angle, just as you would when seated at a desk. And remember to hold devices with screens up to your eyes instead of bending your neck down.

At Your Destination

If you have lower back, hip, or leg pain, it may be better for you to get a room that is near an elevator and has an accessible bathing area. You may also want to bring assistive devices and supportive shoes with strong grip even if you don’t normally need them in your own home or on familiar terrain. Keep in mind that you may be more sensitive to cold and that you will likely need a full day of rest after traveling. Throughout your journey you’ll also need to be mindful to stay hydrated, and it’s wise to look up what medical centers are available at your destination just in case of a flare-up.

Happy travels!

October 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

10 Ways to Relieve Your Back Pain

Did you know that there are ways to relieve your back pain from the comfort of your own home or even as you go about your daily life? It’s true! We are passionate about educating our patients about how they can beat their daily back pain outside their routine appointments. Here are 10 ways to relieve your back pain:

Sleep with a pillow under your knees

Did you know that elevating your legs while you sleep actually takes pressure off your spine? Stop sleeping flat on your back and start sleeping with a pillow beneath your knees! Your spine will thank you.

Work it out

We all know that exercise is extremely beneficial to the body. But did you know that working out your core can specifically help prevent back-related injuries? Prevention is the best way to avoid back pain at all! Try incorporating some abdominal exercises into your routine.

More calcium and Vitamin D

As previously mentioned, prevention is the best way to avoid back pain. Try incorporating more calcium and Vitamin D into your diet to build stronger bones.

Swap out your shoes

It’s important to treat your feet right. We do after all use them every single day. Spoil your feet with a pair of comfortable shoes to help reduce strain on your back.

Practice proper posture

Avoid hunching and slouching at all costs. A rounded spine puts more strain on your back, ultimately causing back pain.

Excellent ergonomics

Proper posture should also be maintained at your desk. We recommend choosing an office chair with good support to help keep good posture all day long.

Movement is key

Whether you’re sitting at your desk or lounging on the couch watching television, you should always attempt to get up and move a little bit every hour. Sitting too long puts pressure on your spine, and the same can happen if you stand too long as well.

Lift properly

Lifting correctly is extremely important and probably the best way to avoid injuring your back. You should never lift something that is too heavy for just yourself. And you should always lift with your legs as well, never with your back.

Stretch it out

Stretching promotes circulation in your back, so take the time each day to stretch. Stretching can also relieve any aches and pains you are currently dealing with.

Quit smoking

Smoking is an awful health risk to begin with, but did you know that it can also affect the discs in your spine? The nicotine actually restricts oxygen flow to the discs, which can cause them to rupture. Nicotine also reduces the amount of oxygen that enters your bloodstream, which can restrict much needed nourishment to the muscles and tendons of your back.

What do you think of these 10 easy ways to help relieve your back pain? If these don’t work out for you and you’re still experiencing pain, it’s time to schedule an appointment with us. Give us a call at 816-373-3373 or visit us online at

September 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

Whiplash Symptoms and Treatment

While some people can walk away from car accidents unscathed, some aren't as lucky. Car accidents, specifically rear-end car accidents, have enough force to cause an injury called whiplash. According to Mayo Clinic, “whiplash is a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip.” When a part of the body is whipped back and then forward beyond its normal range of motion, micro-tears form in the surrounding ligaments. Usually, it’s when the micro-tears start to swell that the symptoms begin. Whiplash happens to be the most common injury when it comes to car accidents, however, a person can get whiplash by also experiencing physical abuse, like during contact sports.

Wondering what whiplash actually feels like? Here are a few symptoms to help you decipher whether or not you are experiencing whiplash:

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Lower back pain
  • Memory loss
  • Blurred vision
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Headaches
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Dizziness
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Tenderness or pain in the shoulder
  • Worsening pain or limited range of motion of the neck
  • Tingling or numbness in the arms

Chiropractic care not only treats these symptoms but corrects the root of the problem as well. At Lakewood Chiropractic we take a more holistic approach to treatment and avoids using drugs that only treat symptomatically. We help relieve pain, restore mobility, and support long-term healing with a variety of techniques.

We recommend that you check in with one of our experienced chiropractors if you are experiencing continued neck pain or other worsening symptoms of whiplash. Failure to resolve your whiplash may cause lasting damage to the bones in your spine, disks between your bones, ligaments, muscles, nerves, and other tissues of your neck. You don’t have to deal with this pain for the rest of your life. Our chiropractic office can help you onto the road to recovery, and ultimately back to your pain-free life. We are experienced in finding the right treatment plan unique to a patient’s problem. Contact us today!


August 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter


Have you ever accidentally contorted your body in a way that resulted in a sharp pain that decreased mobility in your neck or arm? If so, you might have experienced a pinched nerve. Pinched nerves can occur anywhere along the spine, including the upper, mid, and lower back. They can even happen in any joint of your body. When ample pressure is applied to a nerve by the surrounding tissues, bones, cartilage, muscles, or tendons, a pinched nerve is formed. This pressure intervenes with the nerve’s normal function, causing sharp pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness. Our practice knows all about the dreaded pinched nerve and how painful it is doing the simplest tasks. Sometimes the nerve can move back into place naturally. However, if the pinched nerve is severe enough, you will need spinal adjustments to correct it.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Numbness, tingling, or burning sensation in your arms, legs, fingers, or toes and which may radiate outward
  • Pain radiating along your spine
  • Severe headaches or migraines
  • A tingling or pins and needles sensation called paresthesia
  • Pain that shoots down your arm or leg
  • A feeling that your foot or hand has “fallen asleep”
  • Neck pain
  • Muscle weakness in the affected area

A pinched nerve can be caused by subluxation, disc degeneration, osteoarthritis, or disc herniation. These are silent afflictions in their beginning stages, which is why it’s important to see a chiropractor regularly. An experienced chiropractor will realign your spine in an effort to correct your pinched nerve, but also prevent one from happening again in the future. A pinched nerve that only lasts a short time will usually present no permanent damage. Once the pressure on the nerve is relieved, nerve function will return to normal. However, constant pressure on the nerve will ultimately cause chronic pain and permanent nerve damage.

Other causes of a pinched nerve include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • An injury
  • Rheumatoid or wrist arthritis
  • Stress from repetitive activities
  • Obesity

It is recommended that you come in for a visit with us if your pinched nerve is not resolved within several days of its beginning, especially if over-the-counter medications are also not working. Make an appointment today and we will get you started on a treatment plan unique to your needs!

July 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

Lakewood Chiropractic

Stingers and Neck Injuries

If you play contact sports, you’re probably familiar with the concept of a stinger. Also known as a burner, a stinger is the shock a person feels along their arm when they incur nerve damage. Usually, stingers only last a few seconds and the athlete quickly resumes play. However, people who suffer stingers are at greater risk of getting worse ones in the future, and neck injuries may result in additional damage that is not immediately apparent. As providers of non-surgical therapy for sports injuries, chiropractors are well-suited to assist athletes recovering from neck and shoulder trauma, but we want our patients to understand why they should have their injuries examined and what can be done to help them.

Nerves of the Neck and Shoulder

The nerves leading to our arms emerge from the spinal cord in the back of the neck. They bundle together in the shoulder to form a structure called the brachial plexus before dividing again and continuing into the arm and hand. A stinger could result from the nerves being stretched when a person’s head is pushed too far backward or to the side, or from a direct blow to the brachial plexus. Injuries to the neck resulting in ruptured spinal discs, joint displacements, or swollen tissues could also put pressure on the nerve roots.

Stingers get their name from the electric discharge triggered by the injury. After experiencing a burst of pain down their arm, a patient may find they have difficulty moving it. They may also experience a prolonged burning sensation and try to shake the feeling of pins and needles out of their arm, or hold it close to their body. Although damage to the nerve is not usually permanent, it may be recurring, despite the initial shock only lasting a few seconds or minutes.

Risk Factors

Most stingers occur in football players, although they are not uncommon in rugby, lacrosse, and hockey players, wrestlers, and gymnasts. They can also happen to people during motor vehicle crashes or to people who fall off horses. Some people are at greater risk for stingers due to having naturally narrow spinal canals. Stingers can also occur due to the shoulder being pushed down too far, so a person may be at greater risk if they have not built up their shoulder muscles or if they have been weakened by a previous injury. For this reason, people who have suffered a stinger-inducing blow are likely to suffer a second one that will be worse if they don’t take time to recover.


Athletes should not return to play while they are experiencing pain or difficulty moving. In the immediate aftermath of a stinger, they should employ rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) protocol. Afterward, they should be examined for potential fractures or spinal cord injuries. Image tests and physical examinations may be advised when a patient is in severe pain or has recurring injuries.

Physical therapy is recommended for improving the neck and shoulder flexibility as well as the shoulder’s strength. Our office can also advise patients on postures that will put less pressure on the nerve roots in their necks and perform adjustments when there is reason to suspect a compression. In addition, we also provide drug-free anti-inflammatory therapies, such as the use of ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation. Athletes who have recurring injuries may be advised to play while wearing specialized padding, but most people fully recover in a short amount of time. To reduce their risk of stingers in the future, athletes should work to ensure their neck and shoulder muscles remain strong and that their necks and heads are adequately protected.

If you have suffered a sports injury, call our office to schedule a free, no obligation consultation at 816-373-3373.


June 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

Frozen Shoulder

We treat numerous musculoskeletal problems including “frozen shoulder.” Also known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is a condition that involves stiffness in the shoulder joint. This happens when the tissue around the shoulder joint loses its synovial fluid, causing discomfort and limited mobility. The tissues in your shoulder joint become thicker and tighter, causing scar tissue to develop. Once this scar tissue develops, your shoulder joint doesn’t have the space it needs to rotate in a normal fashion. This condition usually occurs to patients in their 40s to 60s. If you are experiencing significant shoulder discomfort, we recommend that you come in and see us so that we can get you started on the right treatment plan for you!

If you have a frozen shoulder, you will certainly know it. The pain limits your movement, which in turn increases the stiffness of your shoulder since you begin to move it less frequently. Soon you’ll find that you can’t move your shoulder even close to how you used to. Daily activities will be an enormous challenge, from dressing to reaching objects that are up high. To recap, symptoms of a frozen shoulder include:

  • Stiffness
  • Very limited mobility
  • Dull or achy pain
  • Difficulty doing daily activities
  • Increase in these symptoms over time

You might be asking yourself: what causes frozen shoulder? There are actually a few causes, including hormonal imbalance, diabetes, or a weakened immune system. These conditions are all prone to joint inflammation. Frozen shoulder can also occur after a long period of inactivity due to an injury, illness, or surgery. In severe cases, scar tissue will form due to this lack of mobility, which of course greatly limits your range of motion. This severe case, however, takes anywhere from two to nine months to develop.

Did you know that women are more susceptible to frozen shoulder than men are? It especially affects people who have had a stroke or mastectomy. We are committed to helping patients reach the full extent of their mobility and live pain-free lives. We treat frozen shoulder with a variety of exercises that help with range-of-motion, including joint manipulation and chiropractic adjustments.

There are a couple other ways to treat frozen shoulder, including:

  • home care
  • medication
  • surgery
  • physical therapy

If you think you are suffering from frozen shoulder and can benefit from safe chiropractic treatment, contact us right away. We are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have, as well as get you on the road to recovery.


April 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Women

Many pregnant women experience aches and pains in their lower back and hips as their baby grows. It begs the question: how does a mother-to-be find relief? There are natural remedies to combat pregnancy discomforts. One such holistic remedy is seeing a chiropractor for safe manipulations and adjustments. According to the American Pregnancy Association, “There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and pregnancy wellness of women who are pregnant or trying to conceive is routine care for most chiropractors.” Chiropractors have been trained to work with pregnant women and some even use special tables designed for pregnant women. Chiropractors pay careful attention to not putting any unnecessary pressure on a pregnant woman’s abdomen. They may also provide specific stretches or exercises that are safe to perform at home.

Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy has many benefits. These include:

  • Relief from neck, back, and joint pain
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Reducing labor and delivery time
  • Preventing a cesarean delivery
  • Maintaining the health of the fetus and mother

During pregnancy, there are many changes that are happening inside a woman’s body in order to prepare for the growing baby. These include:

  • Misaligned spine or joints
  • Pelvic balance and alignment
  • Protruding abdomen
  • Increased back curve

Chiropractic care not only alleviates a woman’s pain associated with a growing baby but also helps provide the best environment possible for a baby to be born. For example, a pelvis that is out of alignment has the potential to restrict the amount of space the baby has to develop. Not only can this lack of space possibly lead to birth defects, but it also makes it difficult for the baby to assume a good position for delivery. Proper alignment of the pelvis lowers the chances of a woman having a more complicated delivery.

In order to have a safe and healthy delivery, it is important for all the systems of the body to work together efficiently. Chiropractic care is an excellent way to get all the systems working as one. If you are pregnant and think you could benefit from chiropractic adjustments, please contact our office. We are more than happy to walk you through what it is we do during an appointment as well as the precautions we take to ensure the safety of the mother-to-be and her baby.


March 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

Sleeping with Less Joint Pain

If you’re like most people, you don’t always have an easy time getting comfortable going to sleep and you still feel creaky when you wake up. The relationship between sleep and joint pain is an enormous subject, and your chiropractor’s advice will vary depending on your individual circumstances. But with so many people having similar problems, there are a few commonalities we can discuss and offer solutions for. In addition to chiropractic care, getting a better night’s sleep will involve changing both your approach to sleep and how you take care of yourself during the day.

How You Sleep

Should you use a firm mattress or a soft one? What about your pillow? Should you be using them at all? What position should you sleep in? You have probably heard all sorts of answers to these questions because people with certain conditions require specialized solutions. But in general, a firm mattress will do more to keep your back aligned. There are many cultures in which people sleep on the floor and say it works for them, but the downside to this is that increased pressure on the joints of the limbs may restrict circulation, even if it does provide more back support. For that reason, a mattress may be the better option if circulation is more of a problem for you or you have a history or shoulder or hip injuries. A large pillow is necessary to keep your head in line with your spinal column when you are on your side, but a thinner one will keep you better aligned when you’re on your back.

We shift position in our sleep, and that is necessary to keep our muscles from seizing up. But that doesn’t mean there’s no point in trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in or to support yourself during. Sleeping on the front forces our heads backwards and to the side, increasing the risk of neck and shoulder pain, and leaves our lumbar vertebrae sagging. It is less likely that a person will roll into this position if they start on their backs, unless they are suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, in which case they may roll over in an unconscious attempt to use gravity to clear their airways. Treating sleep apnea may require help from a sleep medicine specialist, but there are specialized wedges that can be used to provide better support to people sleeping in an usual positions. People who are pregnant or prefer to fall asleep on their sides may want to try holding a pillow between their knees to reduce hip strain.

Lifestyle Support

Lack of sleep also makes us more vulnerable to joint pain, creating a vicious cycle. However, there are things we can do to improve our quality of rest that aren’t directly related to joint support. Before trying to sleep, we should give ourselves a half-hour break from electronic screens. The area around our beds should be as free of dust as possible, and we should take care not to pile on so much bedding that we overheat after a few hours. It’s also a good idea to avoid food and alcohol right before bed, to reduce the risk of acid reflux.

Chiropractors specialize in musculoskeletal health and will be quick to tell you that strong muscle tone is essential for supporting skeletal alignment. Stretching throughout the day will make your tendons less prone to tightening while you’re asleep, and a firmer core will help keep your spine in alignment even while you’re at rest. But avoid exercise in the hour before bed, or else you’ll still be full of adrenaline. And try to ensure your sleeping space doesn’t double as your work space, so your body won’t feel the need to be on alert there.


February Chiropractic Newsletter

Chiropractic Care and Heart Health

February is American Heart Month. While chiropractors are typically associated with back and neck pain, chiropractic care also plays a significant role in heart health. Regular visits to the chiropractor have been shown to decrease chest pain, lower blood pressure, improve nerve function of the heart, and improve lung function.

The Power of Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are the holy grail of chiropractic care. And for good reason too. A study published in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research suggests that chiropractic adjustments can reverse heart disease.

Everything in the human body links back to the spine. Located in the upper cervical and thoracic areas of your spine, the parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves accelerate and decelerate your heart. A misaligned spine in this area can impair the brain’s communication with the body’s neural pathways and affect the regulation of your heart. This type of subluxation or misalignment leads to a myriad of problems from hypothyroidism, increased blood pressure, and even cardiac arrest.

February is “Love Your Spine” month. Call us to schedule a free exam to ensure your spine is in alignment, to help provide you relief from your pain and to restore normal body function. We are open evenings and Saturdays for your convenience.


January 2021 Chiropractic Newsletter

Avoiding Neck Pain in the New Year

Perhaps you slept on the wrong kind of pillow, experienced an auto accident, or simply turned your head in a strange position. Neck pain happens and it happens to people more often than you’d think. But that doesn’t mean you have to live out the rest of your life with it. Only by getting to know the symptoms and causes of neck pain will you be able to actively prevent it altogether. Sometimes it’s just simple lifestyle adjustments that help prevent and alleviate neck pain. It's also important to know the red flags for when neck pain is a serious condition. A chiropractor typically needs to be involved at that point and more hands-on treatment is required.


Some common signs and symptoms of neck pain include:

  • Intense headaches
  • A burning sensation from the neck through the shoulder and arm
  • Difficulty rotating the neck without discomfort
  • Trouble gripping and lifting objects due to numbness
  • Tenderness, achiness, or soreness in the general neck area
  • Issues with reflexes, sensation, or strength due to the compression of a nerve
  • Stabbing, stinging, or sharp pain in the lower neck

If neck pain progresses, it may become difficult to sleep or perform daily activities. Get to know the pain progression scale: acute pain lasts less than four weeks, subacute pain lasts four to twelve weeks, and chronic pain lasts three or more months. With acute and subacute pain, you may or may not need to see a chiropractor, though it is recommended. Chronic pain is serious and a chiropractor should be seen right away.


Some common causes of neck pain include:

  • Repetitive motion of the head, like in dancing and swimming
  • Trauma from a fall, slip, sports impact, or auto accident
  • Poor posture, such a slouching and hunching for long periods of time
  • Sleeping in an awkward position where your head is resting at a strange angle

Other causes of neck pain may include:

  • An infection
  • A spinal tumor
  • Emotional stress
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sondylolistheis
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome


Simple lifestyle changes may be all you need to prevent neck pain from happening to you. Such changes include:

  • Sleeping on your back
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Making sure you are using a comfortable and supported pillow
  • Making sure your computer monitor is at eye level
  • When texting, keeping your mobile phone at eye level, taking breaks, or using talk-text
  • When making a phone call, using a headset or earpiece
  • Stretching, exercising, and strengthening your neck muscles
  • Evenly distributing weight you carry on your person
  • Practicing a supportive posture (no slumping or hunching!)
  • Holding your phone at a distance rather than right in front of you

When to Get Help

Most of the time, neck pain can be healed over a short period of time with rest, ice or heat treatment, over the counter pain medication, and gentle stretches. However, it is important to seek professional help if you ever experience numbness, tingling, or pain in your arms, or severe headaches and weakness. Ineffective pain medication is another indicator that you should see a chiropractor.


December 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter 

Lakewood Chiropractic

 It’s that time of the year when the trees start to lose their leaves and the air is chillier. Most people mark this season with cozy fires, flannel pajamas, and hot cocoa. But before you break out the blankets, make sure you visit the chiropractor first. Visiting the chiropractor in the winter should be on top of your list to stay healthy this season. 

 Strengthen Your Immune System 

 Winter means colds and the flu season. With coronavirus pandemic thrown into the mix, it’s important now more than ever to boost your immune system. Believe it or not, your chiropractor can play a major role in your immunity. One way chiropractor care can increase your immunity is by adjusting misalignments in your spine. Spinal misalignment or subluxation refers to when your spine or another vertebrae is misaligned or moved from its original position. This misalignment can impair the brain’s communication with the body’s neural pathways. Because everything is connected in the body, including the nervous system, the endocrine system, and the immune system, a subluxation can lower your immunity. We adjust your spine using a variety of spinal manipulations designed to relieve the pressure of a misaligned spine.

Combat Depression 

 Feeling the winter blues? SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that occurs in the fall and winter seasons. While the true cause for SAD is unknown, some researchers believe this mood disorder is because of the lack of sunlight during the colder months. Reduced levels of sunlight can disrupt your body’s internal clock and lead to feelings of depression. Chiropractic adjustments are also key in combating SAD. Chiropractic manipulations on the cervical spine will release the pressure on your brain stem. 

Alleviate Stiff Joints 

As the temperatures lower, you may notice your joints stiffen and even pain more than frequently. For people with arthritis, this pain may be even more familiar with flare-ups increasing during cold weather. Massage helps to really target painful joints and increase blood flow. Other non-invasive therapies to reduce joint inflammation and stiffness include exercise, spinal adjustments, electrotherapy, and laser therapy. For more information, contact our office today. Don’t wait until the last minute to take care of your health, especially during the winter months.

November Chiropractic Newsletter

Lakewood Chiropractic

Herniated discs are one of the most common causes of back and limb pain. They’re a problem that people naturally become more at risk for with age, and they can result from ordinary movements. But herniated discs also have a variety of names, including slipped discs, ruptured discs, and bulging discs, so it’s understandable why people would be confused about what they are and how they’re treated. This month, we’ll take a closer look at why discs become herniated, and what can happen as a result.

Spinal Discs are spongy joints in between the articulated vertebrae, with the exception of the two vertebrae at the top of the neck. Discs function as shock absorbers and are composed of a gelatinous inner ring, called a nucleus pulposus, and a tough outer ring, called an annulus fibrosus. If the annulus fibrosus ruptures, material from the nucleus pulposus could leak out. (This is the “slippage” referred to in the name “slipped disc.” The disc itself does not slip.) The chemicals released by a ruptured annulus trigger inflammation, which may put pressure on nearby tissues. The bulging nucleus material itself may also put pressure on the nerves branching out of the spinal cord.

Although herniated discs aren’t always painful, a compressed peripheral nerve could cause a lot of problems. A herniated disc in the lumbar region could compress a sciatic nerve, leading to symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, or unresponsiveness in the leg. A herniated disc in the neck could likewise cause shocks or a pins and needles sensation along the shoulder, arm, and hand. The discs in the thoracic region are less likely to be injured, but if they are, they could cause a dull soreness that radiates into the chest. Herniated discs also don’t function well as shock absorbers, and inflammation will make the nearby muscles tighter.


The spinal discs lose water as they age, causing them to shrink. It is unclear why this occurs, although some researchers postulate that if a disc shrinks enough, leaking nucleus material is less likely to reach a nerve. But people between the ages of 35-55 are at particular risk for developing problems from herniated discs, and if a disc has degenerated, it is more likely to suffer an acute injury. Often, people aren’t even sure which of their actions caused a disc to herniate, but people are at greater risk if they’re overweight or smoke.

Unlike eroded cartilage, a herniated disc is something the body can usually rebuild. However, patients experiencing symptoms are advised to seek non-addictive, minimally invasive pain relief and preventive care in a chiropractic office. Chiropractic adjustments help relieve pressure on impinged nerves and compressed discs. Treatments such as therapeutic massages and electric muscle stimulation reduce inflammation, as can the application of heat and ice. Chiropractors will also provide patients with lifestyle advice, such as how to lift heavy objects and do yard work efficiently, to help them avoid straining their back tissues. Although patients should rest immediately after an injury, they’ll need to do physical therapy to rebuild their strength and flexibility, and maintaining strong core muscles will help prevent their spinal discs from being overloaded in the future.  

October Chiropractic Newsletter

Lakewood chiropractic

It’s National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM)! Held in October every year, NCHM is a nationwide campaign designed to raise awareness about chiropractic care and musculoskeletal health. We’d be lying if we said this year was ordinary. 2020 so far is anything but normal. COVID-19 has upended all of our lives, from the way we work to the way we shop, celebrate, and gather. It’s important now more than ever to maintain our health, especially musculoskeletal health, which experts believe is one of the keys to long-term wellness during this stressful period.

Why is Musculoskeletal Health Important?

The musculoskeletal system is composed of muscle, joints, and bones. This system includes the spine and is essential for your overall health because it allows the body to move and creates the body’s structure. The musculoskeletal system also acts as an endocrine system. When all components of the musculoskeletal system are working together, we feel healthy, strong, and energetic. But when our musculoskeletal health isn’t maintained, there’s a lot of pain and discomfort. In fact, musculoskeletal disorders are the leading cause of disability around the world.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, adults are recommended at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise such as walking or light bicycling, or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity like basketball or running. But because of stay-at-home orders, many of us are stuck indoors and only go out for essentials. Just because we’re home doesn’t mean fitness ends. Our musculoskeletal system needs movement to stay healthy, so it’s time we use creative measures to get active. Here are some ideas:

Local gym closed? Have no fear, because we’re bringing the gym to you! Use household items like the good ol’ flour sack in a plastic bag contraption for kettlebells, water bottles as weights, and pipes for a homemade pull-up bar. Or better yet, don’t use any equipment at all. Your body is your best machine, so use your home gym for workouts that don’t involve fancy (or makeshift) equipment.


 If a home gym isn’t for you, then utilize the great outdoors as your workout space. Whether it’s taking a walk around your neighborhood or jogging in your local park, going outside is extremely beneficial for managing coronavirus anxieties and fostering long-term musculoskeletal health.


 One of the best ways to include more fitness in your routine is by changing up your daily routine and sneaking in more movement. Instead of sitting down at your desk to take those calls, why not answer them during a walk? While your coffee brews, move while you wait with jumping jacks or squats. Take extra trips when it comes to getting groceries in the house. Transporting grocery bags in three rounds rather than one is inefficient, but you’re certainly getting a good workout.


 Working out with a buddy is always great for motivation and keeping each other accountable. Include family members in your mission to stay active by designing simple workout routines that everyone can follow. Others have been participating in driveway fitness classes with their neighbors or joining Zoom exercises as a household. Whatever rocks your boat, just get moving!

The pandemic has forced many of us to work from home instead of the office. This means significantly less movement in routines, with slashed commutes, interactive meetings, and team lunches. If you’re working from home, chances are you’re sitting at your laptop for long hours. Take a few minutes to arch your back and neck to relieve any tension and sore muscles before going back to your screen. This also relieves sore muscles and tensions. Stretches are essential for lessening your spine’s strain from sitting in one position for a long time. Include 15 minutes for a stretch break in your workday to relax your muscles, increase blood flow, and reduce numbness. Your back will thank you!

September 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

Lakewood Chiropractic

Why Keeping Health in Mind is Important for a Desk Job

Those of us who work at desk jobs do a lot of sitting. This can easily give us sedentary lives considering we are sitting all day, losing energy, and then after work, we are too tired to get in some exercise. In addition, poor desk posture can lead to issues like neck pain, back pain, headaches, frozen shoulder, tight hip muscles, and much more.

Proper Desk Posture

In order to have healthy posture at your desk, you should pay attention to these tips: 

 ● Your computer should be at eye-level so you are not tilting your head up or down to look at it.

 ● You should be sitting tall with a straight spine, keeping your shoulders relaxed. 

 ● Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle. 

 ● Your lower back should have support. Use a chair with good lumbar support or purchase a lumbar pillow. 

 ● Your legs should be at a 90-degree angle with your feet flat on the floor. Do not cross your legs or ankles.


Getting some movement into your day will help your muscles, bones, energy levels, and even your focus. You can get more movement in by visiting a coworker’s desk instead of sending an email, taking more bathroom breaks (by drinking more water), and taking the stairs. You should try to stand up and move around at least once per hour.

Eating Right

If your office provides lunches or sets out snacks in the kitchen, it can be tempting to indulge. However, try to resist. Daytime snacking is an easy way to add unnecessary calories. Bring in your own healthy snacks like fruit to curb any snack cravings. When it comes to lunch, you should prepare your own lunches at home instead of eating out or buying what’s in the cafeteria. This way you can bring something healthy and nutritious. Allowing yourself to eat out will bring on too many temptations for fast food. If it helps, set aside one or two days to prep meals for the rest of your week. In addition to your meals, make sure you are getting in your recommended water intake. It helps to label water bottles with times of the day so you can set goals. Drinking more water will also give you an excuse to get up and walk to the bathroom more (as previously mentioned).

How Your Chiropractor Can Help

If you are feeling sore, stiff muscles, back or neck pain, low energy, or some of the other symptoms previously mentioned, you may not know your desk job is causing them. These are great things to talk to your chiropractor about. He or she can help you understand the connection, develop a plan, and follow-through for a healthier you.

August 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

Auto Accident Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic Treatment For Auto Accident Injuries

When you’re involved in an auto accident - even one that could be described as minor - there are a number of things to consider. There are items that are obvious to take care of such as automotive damage, insurance arrangements, police reports, etc. If you walked away from the accident seemingly fine and unscathed, that must mean that your health and well-being aren’t a concern you need to worry about right?

 Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. When the body is subjected to the abrupt forces of an auto injury or even the close-call of a sudden stop, it can still sustain traumatic effects in the soft tissue. As the body braces for a collision or sudden impact, muscles tense and brace, furthering the damage that can occur when the head and neck “whip” back and forth. When whiplash or other auto injuries occur, you may not be aware there is an issue until days or even weeks after the fact. With soft tissue injuries, the pain isn’t always immediately apparent. Injuries can easily go unnoticed until sometime later when you’re affected by immobility, stiffness, strain or discomfort. Depending on how long it has been since the accident occurred you might not be sure what they came from. That’s why it’s wise to include a chiropractic visit in your post auto accident itinerary. Chiropractic care allows for efficient diagnosis of soft tissue injuries that could have easily gone unnoticed and untreated.

Additionally, a whiplash injury can vary based on a number of factors. There is no single turn-key treatment for the problem of whiplash, but chiropractic care makes it possible to identify the specific effects of the trauma and the tissues that have been affected. Once the presence and particulars of any auto accident injuries have been determined, treatments including spinal manipulation, muscle relaxation or stimulation, therapeutic exercises, or other options can be utilized and combined to relieve and prevent neck, shoulder, and back pain that frequently occurs due to whiplash.

 Auto accidents can certainly be traumatic, but they don’t have to be debilitating. When your physical pain is relieved, only then will you feel like you’ve fully walked away from the accident. Be proactive in seeking treatment and make your health a priority when dealing with the effects of an auto collision. Even as the unexpected happens in an instant, you can regain control and relieve your pain. If you have been in an accident recently, call our office to set up an appointment. If you haven’t, keep driving safely and be well!

July 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

Lakewood Chiropractic

Hiking and Chiropractic

 With summer finally here, hikers will be taking on their favorite rocky trails. Even the most experienced hiker knows the unexpected can happen out there on the trails, so it’s best to be prepared for anything. That means anything from having the right gear and knowing how to properly use it to proper hiking technique. Even visiting your trusted chiropractor for adjustments is an excellent way to prepare your body for intense hiking! Just like any other physical activity where you need to be properly equipped both literally and mentally, hiking is no different.

First Consider an Adjustment
Is your body feeling “off” in some way? Perhaps you notice a stiff back, limited range of motion, or joint pain. If you’re an avid hiker, you know that these issues are a possible recipe for disaster on the trails. Hiking requires excellent strength and balance, both of which are greatly affected by misalignment or subluxations in the body. Consider visiting your experienced chiropractor for an adjustment before a big hiking trip. Consistent adjustments promote optimal body function, such as: making sure your body is aligned as best as possible, improving coordination, flexibility, and balance, eliminating joint pressure, and assisting the nervous system.

Equipment Check
Since hiking causes stress to your joints and hips, it’s important that you equip yourself with the right gear. Injuries on the trails are easily prevented this way.
 -Hiking boots: Choosing the right shoes will significantly improve your hike. Invest in quality hiking boots with grip and tread, solid ankle support, comfortable cushioning, proper arch support, and ample room for your toes. This is a must have and one of the easiest ways to prevent injury on the trails.
-Backpack: It is vital you choose a backpack that comfortably conforms to your body. You also want to evenly disperse the weight in your pack so that the strain is applied more to the hips rather than the shoulders. Heavy items should be placed in the middle of your pack, closer to your center of gravity, which helps with balance and stability on your hike.
 -Walking stick: Trekking poles significantly help with your stability. Avoid stumbles or falls that may damage your joints and muscles, throwing your body out of alignment, by using a sturdy walking stick. They even assist with an upper body workout!
Other Preventative Tips
      -Warming up: Engaging your body in warmup exercises before an extensive hike will help prevent injuries as well. Warming up your body improves performance on the trail!
      -Buddy system: It’s always best to hike with a buddy. Just in case an injury does happen, you will have someone there to assist you with first aid or call for help if the injury is serious.
      -Don’t overdo it: Always know your limitations. With any exercise, it’s better to start out small and work your way up to something more challenging.

Benefits of Combining Chiropractic Treatment and Hiking
Hiking is a great way to keep your body in shape. When you incorporate consistent chiropractic treatment, however, you are truly setting your body up to function at its optimal level. Your spine absorbs constant force from the repetition of walking on trails and avoiding obstacles in your path. With chiropractic adjustments that promote good alignment of your body, your spine and hips properly absorb this force. Since hiking can be tough on the joints and spine, it’s important to do all you can to protect them! 

June 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

Lakewood Chiropractic

Back Comfort at Home

As stay-at-home restrictions are loosened, chiropractic patients are getting long-delayed treatments for pain in their backs, necks, and limbs. But for the many who are still observing some degree of physical distancing, incurring musculoskeletal problems at home remains a significant risk. While it is good for us to avoid holding the same posture for too long, some positions put the structures of our joints and connective tissues under greater stress than others. Therefore, we wanted to share some general principles for reducing pain at home and aiding recovery.

Home Offices

Lots of people didn’t have a workspace at home designed for long-term use prior to the pandemic. In the first few weeks, many people resorted to setting up laptops on kitchen tables or whatever flat surface they could find. The problem with this is that a monitor needs to be at eye-level so that the user doesn’t have to bend their neck down to use it. Many people also hunch forward to reach their computers, rest their wrists on surfaces that could compress their carpal tunnels, or have to stretch too far to use laptop keyboards. Ideally, people should be able to type with their feet flat on the floor, their backs upright, and their arms extending forward with their elbows at their sides. Unfortunately, laptops do not usually allow for us to keep our necks and upper limbs that far apart, which is why it may be necessary to use a wireless keyboard. We want to sit far enough back in our chairs so that our lower backs are supported. Some chairs may have to be adjusted so the user can do this while still sitting upright. There should be some space between the backs of our knees and the chair seat, and the seat should be sufficiently padded.

When at Rest

Without much else to do, many people used the stay-at-home orders as an opportunity to catch up on TV and movies. But if you keep the same position for too long on a couch or bed, it will quickly stop being comfortable. Chiropractors recommend that people not lie on their fronts, as this leaves the lumbar spine unsupported and forces the head up and backward. Instead, you might try lying on your side, keeping a pillow between your legs so your knees won’t rub together and your hip muscles won’t have to stretch as far. Remember to stretch about every thirty minutes and try to get up and move around frequently.

Which particular stretches a person can do will depend on their health history and whether they currently have any sprains or dislocations. But generally, aerobics that don’t subject the body to impacts are good for getting over back pain, and people should always warm up by doing dynamic stretches before a workout. Yoga poses are popular ways of stretching, as are arm and leg raises from a prone position, cat curls, bird dogging, lunges, and lying on the back while pulling the knees toward the body. Heat, delivered through pads or a hot shower, can help to loosen muscles and increase blood flow, and you may be able to massage a tight area with a tennis ball.

 Don’t forget that chiropractic is a holistic practice. While practicing safe distancing, try to exercise outdoors and make sure you get direct exposure to sunlight everyday. Keep your sleep and meal schedules as regular as possible, and schedule appointments with your chiropractor in advance to ensure you can be accommodated in reduced-capacity waiting rooms.

May 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

Chiropractor Lees Summit, MO

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Runners

Are you a casual runner, someone who starts each day with a jog? Or perhaps a marathon runner, training for your next big 30k? Whatever type of runner you classify yourself, it’s important that you keep your body ready for the kind of running you love to do. Unexpected injuries may result in lengthy healing times, keeping you from your normal running regimen. Many runners turn to chiropractors for a holistic approach to prevent and treat injuries. Chiropractors work on the musculoskeletal system. They carefully manipulate limbs and joints for improved range-of-motion and decreased discomfort. This drug-free alternative treatment is sought out by many runners all over the world. Runners partake in chiropractic care for many reasons, including injury rehabilitation, treating neck or back pain, and ensuring their bodies function normally. There are actually three major benefits of chiropractic care for runners, in which runners report improvement to their overall running performance.

                                                 Improving Alignment

Running is an activity that has a high impact on the body. If your body is misaligned, it directly translates to each run. Running on misaligned hips, for example, causes an uneven stride and increases your risk of injury. A misaligned body also makes overall functionality suffer, preventing you from hitting your desired running goals. Visiting your trusted chiropractor for routine adjustments will help even out your stride, allowing your body to better handle the impact of pavement or the treadmill.

Injury Treatment

Perhaps your body has been misaligned for a while and you’ve unfortunately suffered an injury because of it. Whether you are experiencing pain in your feet, shoulders, back, knees, or maybe you have a pinched nerve, your trusted chiropractor will help. Through careful manipulation, your chiropractor will restore your body to better functionality and ease your pain. Don’t wait though, you must seek treatment as soon as possible!

                                                    Preventing Injury

Runners experience injuries due to overusing their bodies. Some of these ailments include shin splints, heel spurs, and ankle sprains. Runners must wear shoes with proper support so that the rest of their body can stay in proper alignment without overcompensating. Routine chiropractic adjustments also help keep the body in proper alignment, thus reducing the potential for injury. Your chiropractor will correct your form, which in turn helps you strengthen your muscles while improving your running ability. Visiting your chiropractor regularly will also help catch potential injuries before they become worse. Contact our office today if you are a runner interested in beginning chiropractic care. We will either get you on a treatment plan or started on a chiropractic regimen to help prevent future injuries

April 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter 

Chiropractor Lees Summit, MO

 Multiple Sclerosis, also known as MS, is a progressive chronic disease that attacks the body’s nervous system. Patients experience symptoms like numbness in the arms and legs along with paralysis or blindness. The severity depends on the patient. The only thing that is standard across the board is the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment. Chiropractors provide patients with MS holistic and natural care for their symptoms. It’s a great way to reduce your discomfort without the use of heavy pharmaceuticals. If your quality of life is suffering, schedule an appointment with your local chiropractor today. 

 What Is Multiple Sclerosis?

 As mentioned above, it’s a chronic autoimmune disease. The body’s immune system starts to destroy the tissue that protects and surrounds the nerves, known as myelin. This interferes with the communication between the spine and brain. Here is a more in-depth list of the symptoms:

-Stiffness and muscle spasms -Paralysis -Memory loss -Mood swings -Epilepsy -Depression

 Chiropractic Treatment and Multiple Sclerosis 

 MS leaves patients with debilitating symptoms that inhibit everyday life. Discomfort in the neck and head contributes greatly to uncomfortable MS symptoms. It’s why chiropractic treatment is the perfect solution. Nerve damage can move the pelvis and spine out of their allocated areas. Chiropractic or spinal manipulation realigns these areas, restoring balance to the entire body. Although this won’t cure MS, it certainly helps patients feel a lot better. Spinal manipulation is a catch-all term for combining exercise, massage, and therapeutic realignment of the joints. It helps relieve inflammation, reduce pressure, and increase nerve function. During a spinal adjustment, your chiropractor will use their hands to apply force to specific joints. This pushes joints back into place and relieves tension. It is a safe procedure that yields productive results.

 Improving Your Quality of Life 

 MS patients who undergo chiropractic treatment report having a higher quality of life. They report lower amounts of pain, along with having more energy and control over their body. Patients can become more active without the debilitating back pain looming over them. Many people with MS have recommended daily exercises to strengthen their bodies. Spinal adjustments give you more endurance and balance to do these activities. A healthier body also means a healthier mind. Chiropractic treatment gives you the enthusiasm and optimism to face any future challenges. 

 Chiropractic Care Can Help

 If you have MS and are struggling with everyday life, consider investing in chiropractic treatment. It is a holistic and natural way to reduce your symptoms while increasing your quality of life. Contact us today!

March 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

Chiropractor Lees Summit, MO

Chiropractic Care for Headaches

Are you prone to headaches? If so, you’ve probably realized that performing normal, day to day activities is nearly impossible if you suffer from them consistently. If severe enough, like a migraine, it feels like relief is unachievable at times. Maybe you’ve tried everything to manage your headaches. But have you ever tried a more holistic approach to find relief, such as chiropractic treatment that involves spinal manipulation, exercises, massage, and stretches? We know what you’re thinking. How do headaches have anything to do with chiropractic? In actuality, it has everything to do with the spine’s alignment with the neck. According to the American Chiropractic Association (AOC), “About 5 percent of all headaches are warning signals caused by [disease]. The remaining 95 percent of headaches are primary headaches, such as tension, migraine, or cluster headaches . . . The greatest majority of primary headaches are associated with muscle tension in the neck.” The chances of having a headache directly related to a neck problem are quite high. Still not convinced? Keep reading to find out which chiropractic techniques suit your headache.

Tension Headaches

Episodic tension headaches are the most common. They occur periodically, usually less than fifteen days per month. Over-the-counter pain medication happens to be the better course of action since spinal manipulation has not been found to help with episodic tension headaches. That’s a different story when it comes to chronic tension headaches, which occur more than fifteen days per month. A low-load craniocervical mobilization technique is used to relieve chronic tension headaches. This involves spinal manipulation but with lighter force. Force is gently put on the neck joints, which allows for smoother movement of the cervical segments. Stretching is also recommended in order to prevent chronic tension headaches from getting so bad.

Cervicogenic Headaches

 Cervicogenic headaches involve a one-sided pain that begins at the back of your head then moves to the front. It is often accompanied by shoulder or arm pain. It’s believed that cervicogenic headaches come from an untreated, underlying neck problem that is triggered by a fresh injury. These headaches are less common and typically don’t get better with pain medication. For this reason, spinal manipulation should only be used for patients suffering from cervicogenic headaches. Spinal manipulation involves your chiropractor adding controlled force to specific joints in your spine. Joint mobilization is another technique in which your joints are moved passively to improve movement and reduce pain. Deep neck flexion exercises for cervicogenic headaches involve actively flexing your muscles and joints with attentive guidance from your chiropractor.


Migraines differ from headaches in the way that they can bring on dizziness and nausea. Medication and injections for relief and prevention of migraines is an option, but chiropractic treatment is a more holistic option if you don’t want to go the drug route. Neuromuscular massage involves a keen focus on the trigger points in the back, neck, shoulder, and head. A combination technique called multidisciplinary care intervention involves physical therapy exercises, stress management, dietary counseling, and relaxation techniques. This combination of care has been proven to reduce the duration, frequency, and pain associated with migraines. Whichever type of headache affects you, we will help you get back to feeling like yourself. Contact our office today to learn how we can get you started on a treatment plan.




Back muscle spasms are one of the most common causes of back pain and affect people of all levels of activity. Convulsions can happen anytime a person is tired, dehydrated, not getting the right nutrition, or when there’s something out of place compressing a nerve or inflaming soft tissue. But when people get back muscle spasms frequently or the spasm is severe, that merits an examination and treatment. Chiropractors offer a wide range of therapies that share the characteristics of being non-addictive, noninvasive, and maximizing the body’s capacity for self-healing. These allow us to provide pain relief to people experiencing muscle spasms for a variety of reasons, many of which are preventable through a healthy lifestyle.

Causes of Muscle Spasms

Muscles are strained by acute injuries, such as when lifting something heavy or by the accumulation of minor frays. The lumbar, or lower region, of our spines, are supported by muscles that connect to the hips as well as to other parts of the abdomen. When the hips or core are weak, the spine will be less supported, and the back muscles will have to overcompensate. This is especially problematic for swimmers and football players who have to twist their torsos constantly. But people who maintain the same posture for extended periods, such as office workers and truck drivers, also frequently suffer from poor core strength, and their back muscles tend to tighten from lack of use.

Sometimes the muscles are frayed or overworked because of a problem in the spinal column’s structure. A bulging spinal disc may be straining the surrounding muscle, ligaments, or nerve roots. Osteoarthritic wear to the facet joint cartilage could also cause the joints to become inflamed, which would put pressure on the muscles running between vertebrae. Prolonged inflammation may result in the growth of spinal spurs, which would burden the soft tissues.

Returning to Activity

Although it is advisable to rest immediately after an injury, prolonged immobility allows the back muscles to further tighten. A person will have to engage in therapeutic exercises to increase their back, core, and hip muscles’ flexibility and strength, with athletes incorporating these into their normal workout routine. People should also make sure that they’re bending down by pivoting their hips, not their lower backs, and that they’re squatting before they attempt to move heavy things. Whenever a person engages in strenuous activity, they should do a five-minute warm-up of dynamic stretches, and they should conclude with a five-minute cooldown. People are also much less likely to suffer strains when they have slept adequately and are drinking enough water.

Comprehensive Pain Relief

Many people find that electric muscle stimulation decreases their work out recovery time and helps to reduce inflammation following injuries. Convulsing the muscles in a controlled setting allows new, nutrient-rich blood to enter and push acidic waste-filled blood out. A chiropractic adjustment can restore the alignment of a herniated disc, and soft tissue manipulation can loosen tightened muscles and ligaments around an inflamed joint. A patient may benefit from the application of cold packs or heat packs, provided that neither is held directly against the skin or for longer than twenty minutes. Patients should also consult with their chiropractor in order to ensure they have an accurate diagnosis and that the treatment is compatible with their other health concerns.


Chiropractor Lees Summit, MO

New Year, New Spine

The New Year is here! Have you thought about your New Year’s resolution yet? Most people like to cut back on chocolate or get to the gym more, but here’s a different idea: why not focus on taking better care of your spine? If you think about it, your spine is the structural groundwork for your body. Your spine provides support, balance, and enables motion. It is also the protector of your spinal cord, nerve roots, and internal organs. The spine is a lot more important than we think! Wondering what you can do to boost your spinal health? We have a few tips to help you get started.

Rest and Sleep

Neck and back strain are common during rest and sleep. If you’re a stomach-sleeper, this puts way too much pressure on your spine. Sometimes we fall asleep in strange positions or angles and wake up achy, asking ourselves, “Did I sleep the wrong way?” We strongly advise against sleeping on your stomach and to instead sleep on your back or side. It’s also important that your pillow supports your neck and head so that everything is neutral with your spine.

Lifting Objects

Before lifting something, you first need to ask yourself, “Is this object too heavy for me to lift?” If yes, it is always safer to ask someone for help. If no, you still need to pay attention to how you lift the object. Lifting objects improperly is the most common way to injure your spine. Always use your leg muscles to lift, never your back. Be sure to also keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body. You should never twist while picking something up and you should always set the object down the same way you lifted it.

Talking and Texting on the Phone

Do you find yourself on the phone a lot? This can also affect your spine. If you need to speak on the phone for an extended period, using the speaker function or a headset is recommended to keep your neck aligned with your spine. Tilting your head towards your shoulder can damage muscles and vertebrae. Similarly, when you’re texting, keep your neck and back straight with the device at chest or eye level. You should never slump or hunch.

Working at a Desk

If you work in an office setting, chances are you don’t get to move around as much as your body would like to. Investing in an office chair with lower back support can make all the difference for your spinal health. Also be sure that when you’re sitting, your feet are flat on the floor with your knees at a ninety-degree angle. Your computer screen should always be at eye-level. It’s important that your desk, computer, and chair are set up for your specific height and functionality. Once your environment is ergonomic-friendly, we recommend you transition from sitting to standing periodically throughout the day. Even the simplest stretches at your desk can prove beneficial.

Nutrition, Hydration, and Exercise

Excess weight puts a lot of unnecessary strain on your spine. It’s vital that you do your best to support a healthy weight by eating nutritious food and exercising at least three times a week. Staying hydrated is also very important because this is how you maintain the elasticity in your soft tissue, fluidity in your joints, and most importantly, the hydration in your spinal discs. Without hydration, your spinal discs will shrink and cause a whole host of other problems, such as a herniated disc. 

If you want to add an extra edge to your overall spinal health, you can always schedule an appointment with our office for chiropractic adjustments. These keep you on a consistent track to good spinal health, but also your chiropractor will monitor or notice any issues going on. Treat your spine and schedule an appointment with us today!


Lakewood Chiropractice

Brachial Plexus Injuries

If you’ve suffered from tingling, numbness, or pain radiating down your arm, the problem may actually be nerve damage closer to your shoulder. Most of the nerves in the arm arise from the cervical spine, gathering in the neck. They bundle together with a nerve from the upper thorax into a network in the shoulder called the brachial plexus. When it gets stretched, a patient may incur dysfunction along their upper limb on that side of the body.

How Injuries Happen

The word “neuropraxia” describes when a nerve stretches to the point of causing pain or numbness. It occurs in the brachial plexus when the space between the shoulder and the neck or the shoulder and the chest is suddenly forced open. Most injuries occur when the shoulder is forced downward and the neck to the side. This commonly happens when people fall off motorcycles or bicycles. This kind of injury is also frequent in the world of wrestling and football, where the resultant pain is known as a “stinger” or “burner.” Injuries in which the shoulder is forced upward tend to happen when people lose their footing and grab onto something above them. When people suffer this kind of injury, they experience dysfunction in their hands. A crushing injury can also stretch the brachial plexus and its associated nerves. All these injuries are often accompanied by damage to muscles, ligaments, and bones, resulting in inflammation and more compression.

Risks and Consequences

Stingers are common during sports games. On-site doctors, such as sports chiropractors, may clear athletes to continue playing. The body is often able to heal itself from neuropraxia. However, if the joints are misaligned or the body’s tissues are otherwise out-of-place, the brachial plexus injury may heal in a way resulting in deformity. This would cause continual pressure on the nerve. People with more severe neuropraxia may also experience pain throughout recovery, and their muscles may stiffen or atrophy from lack of use. The brachial plexus can sometimes be compressed due to overuse injuries in surrounding structures, and people who have suffered even a minor traumatic injury are at greater risk for pain flare-ups due to wear-and-tear.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Nerve damage is diagnosed using Tinel’s test, in which nerves are lightly tapped. A practitioner may also want to do imaging tests or electromyography, which is used to assess muscles. Chiropractors will try to reduce pain and inflammation through physical therapy. Some practitioners use acupuncture or TENS to reduce swelling; many also recommend adjustments to the neck, shoulder joint, or soft tissues of the shoulder as needed. Sometimes braces, extra padding, or compression sleeves are necessary while a patient strengthens their arm. Nerve injuries heal slowly, but the sooner a patient seeks care, the better their odds of a full recovery will be.



How Chiropractors help Athletes

Over the years chiropractors have become an important part of professional sports teams and have had a major impact on athletes’ careers. Many college, high school, and professional sports teams employ on-staff chiropractors to assist in keeping the athletes on the field instead of the sidelines. Often times the game comes down to which team is healthier. Chiropractors play a part in keeping the athletes at peak performance with spinal manipulation and different soft tissue techniques. There are many benefits to athletes of all ages from seeing a chiropractor.

How Chiropractors Help Athletes

Over the years chiropractors have become an important part of professional sports teams and have had a major impact on athletes’ careers. Many college, high school, and professional sports teams employ on-staff chiropractors to assist in keeping the athletes on the field instead of the sidelines. Often times the game comes down to which team is healthier. Chiropractors play a part in keeping the athletes at peak performance with spinal manipulation and different soft tissue techniques. There are many benefits to athletes of all ages from seeing a chiropractor.

What Do Chiropractors Do?

Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine for diagnosing and treating injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Every form of treatment by chiropractors is non-invasive and designed to maximize the body’s capacity for self-healing. Chiropractors use spinal manipulation and other treatments to properly align the body’s musculoskeletal structure. Spinal manipulation helps to restore mobility in joints that are stressed and in pain. People typically seek chiropractic care to treat overuse and acute injuries that are common in sports. The goal of chiropractic care is to restore the function of the injured area, restore function in nerves that branch off from it, and to prevent injuries in the future.

How Chiropractors Help Athletes

1. Provide pain relief for a wide range of common sports injuries including back, shoulder, ankle, knee pain and headaches from head and neck injuries.

2. Chiropractic care is non-invasive and doesn't require the use of painkillers.

3. Increases strength, wich results in pbetter performance.

4. Allows athletes to relax and recover faster after the stress of resistance training, aerobics, and games through massages or other soft tissue treatments from chiropractors.

5. Prevent degenerative conditions while increasing performance on the field.

5. improve range of motion and structural support.

Often times when injuries occur in sports, athletes are given painkillers or the injury is treated in one specific area and nowhere else. Not only is chiropractic care non-addictive, it treats muscles and nerves at their point of origin as well as where symptoms manifest. The human body operates as one and is meant to be treated together when injuries occur. An estimated 90% of world-class athletes regularly use chiropractic care to prevent injuries and increase their on-field performance. If any athletes are suffering from injuries that don’t require surgery, they should consider chiropractic care before anything else.



Degenerative Neck pain

Neck pain is one of the chief areas of concern for chiropractors. While sudden injuries to the neck are often painful, slowly developing conditions that cause chronic pain and fatigue are even more common. This month, we’re going to take a look at some of the common reasons for persistent soreness, conservative treatment options, and what lifestyle changes patients can make to manage or prevent symptoms.

Consequences of a Pinched Nerve

The nerves connect to the rest of our body from the spine through holes in the vertebra called foramina. A compression in the spinal cord or the branching nerves could cause pain, numbness, tingling, and dysfunction between where the nerve arises and the body part it connects to. Since so many nerves pass through the neck bones (cervical vertebrae), a pinch here could have especially serious implications for the body. A compression in some nerves that emerge from the middle cervical vertebrae could interrupt the diaphragm, while compression in nerves emerging from the lower part of the neck could compromise the arms and hands. Neck pain is always worthy of treatment, but severe pain that spreads to the rest of the body requires especially urgent attention.

Strains and Sprains

Not all dysfunction in the neck is directly related to nerve compression. An adult’s head usually weighs about ten to eleven pounds, and our neck muscles, tendons, and ligaments are working all the time to support it. It makes sense that when the neck is held in a certain position all day, such as when a person is looking at a computer, it will be sore afterward. Good posture and stretching can ameliorate this, but the best thing is to change positions frequently, so the soft tissues don’t become too tight.

Certain medical conditions can also cause nerve compression. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition in which the cartilage that cushions and lubricates the joints, including the cervical spine’s facet joints, deteriorates over time. Keeping the neck flexible and strong can relieve pressure from cartilage. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune condition with uncertain origins, resulting in widespread inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation can irritate the spine and pinch the nerves. Lastly, if a person moves their neck in repetitive motions, or their muscles are often contorted due to stress, their muscles may tighten in areas known as trigger points, which can refer pain to elsewhere in connected muscles.

Recognizing Wear and Tear Issues

When a patient complains of neck pain, a chiropractic office will conduct imaging tests and ask about the patient’s history in an attempt to determine whether the pain has a biomechanical or other cause. (In rare cases, neck pain may result from tumor or infection.) A physical examination can help identify trigger points, which may be treated with heat. Pain from degenerative conditions responds well to spinal adjustments and traction, which relieve pressure from nerves. We may also use treatments designed to reduce inflammation and speed muscle healing, such as electric muscle stimulation and therapeutic massages.

Lifestyle Changes

At home, patients will be advised to rest when they’re not doing prescribed physical therapy or stretches. They are advised to adjust their chairs or desks to keep computer monitors at eye-level and to avoid doing things that could pull on their neck muscles by straining their shoulders. Patients may also be informed to avoid sleeping on their stomachs due to how that position leaves the lower spine unsupported and forces the head to rotate. Specially-shaped pillows can provide more neck support, and it’s a good idea to replace pillows that have collapsed under prolonged use over time.

Lakewood Chiropractic Newsletter April 2019

Low Back Pain Lakewood Chiropractic

Back Pain and the Gluteal Region

When we think of lower back pain, we may think of problems in the spinal column itself. It is true that slipped lumbar discs, inflammation in the facet joints, and strains in the muscles attaching directly to the vertebrae are all common causes of back pain. But in many cases, pain radiates to the back from the pelvic region. Problems in this area can also cause pain, tingling, or numbness further down the leg, so it is important for patients to understand the importance of maintaining the health of the muscles in their gluteal region.

The Muscles of the Gluteal Region

The gluteus maximus is the largest and outermost muscle of the gluteal region. It stretches from the sacrum and coccyx, which are parts of the spinal column, down to the femur. Beneath it are the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus, which stretch from the ilium, or crest of the hip, to the femur. The gluteus medius and minimus allow us to move our thighs outward and rotate them medially. The gluteus maximus allows us to straighten our legs as we move and provides our strides with strength.

There is another layer of diagonal muscles beneath the gluteus minimus that attach to the femur. The uppermost of them is the piriformis, which also attaches to the sacrum. The sciatic nerve and major arteries run beneath it. The piriformis and other inner layer muscles work with the gluteus minimus to rotate our legs laterally.

Causes of Irritation

Tightening of muscles in the gluteal region can cause them to become sore. This can happen to runners if they don’t do sufficient warm-ups or overexert themselves. People are also vulnerable to muscle strain if they move with an unusual gait. As their muscles become stiff, a patient’s posture will get worse, putting additional strain on their back and hip muscles. Hip muscles are also attached to the pelvis, and tightness in them can pull on the gluteal muscles. Irritation of the sacroiliac joint can also put pressure on the piriformis, causing it to spasm, as can internal bleeding. Contractions in the piriformis muscle can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing the patient to experience impeded leg function and shooting pains. This symptom is called sciatica.

Diagnosis and Treatment

An examination will be necessary to diagnose whether a patient’s lower back pain is due to muscle inflammation. Pain from sciatica can reach as far as the foot. Problems at the hip-level involving the gluteus minimus and medius may be felt in the leg. As part of the examination, patients will be put through a range of motions involving different muscles. The location of the gluteal region makes it difficult for patients to massage on their own, although they may benefit from assistive devices. Common treatments include range of motion and strengthening exercises such as bridging and use of resistance bands. Patients may also benefit from deep tissue massages, use of heat or cold packs, manual manipulation, and electric muscle stimulation. Because other serious problems may feel like muscle strains, it is always advisable to seek professional help for persistent pain.

Chiropractic Newsletter March 2019 

Back Pain Lakewood Chiropractic

Workplace Habits and Poor Posture

If you work at a desk job, it is easy to get into bad habits that can cause worse pain than you ever imagined was possible from sitting wrong. Bad posture in the workplace can cause your joints to fall out of alignment and results in stress to your muscles and the tissues around them. When your posture is poor, your muscles weaken and your joints become less flexible. Chronic pain can occur as a result of the stress on your spine and lead to back pain and headaches.

Signs of Poor Posture

As we age, bad habits at the office such as slouching and lack of exercise during the day can cause muscle fatigue and tension. Some signs that you might have bad habits at work include rounded shoulders, a potbelly, your head leaning forward or backwards, back pain, muscle fatigue, headaches, and bent knees. With some lifestyle adjustments, you can improve your posture and spinal health. 

Tips for Better Posture at Work

To improve your posture and back pain, you need to practice good habits at work. 

1. Don’t slump or slouch at your desk; sit all the way back in your chair with your feet flat on the ground. 

2. Move your shoulders back and open your chest to alleviate tension and prevent slouching. 

3. Make sure your eyes are at an equal level of your computer screen so your neck isn’t tilted up or down. 

4. Stand up and stretch every 30 minutes to loosen your muscles. 

5. Set reminders on your phone or computer to stretch and move around. 

6. Exercise regularly to keep your muscles and joints loose. 

Products that can improve your Back Pain at Work

To work more comfortably, you may want to consider using these products: 

1. Lumbar support pillows for your chair 

2. Footrests to keep your feet flat 

3. Risers for your computer monitor 

4. Adjustable standing desks 

5. Alternatives for improving your posture and back pain 

You can improve your posture and pain by seeing musculoskeletal specialists such as chiropractors. Physical therapy provides treatment and prevention of chronic conditions including back pain through different exercises. Chiropractors use different spinal manipulation techniques – including adjustments and massages, to relieve pressure on your joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function. If you are still experiencing back pain with improved workplace habits, a chiropractor can conduct an examination and diagnose damage that has already occurred.

Is Your Bag Hurting Your Back?

Back Pain

Article by Marie Suszynski 

In today’s society, many people are carrying around more and more things around in backpacks, briefcases, computer bags, and purses. The result — back pain.

"It's an epidemic," says Scott Bautch, DC, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Allied Health Chiropractic Centers in Wausau, Wisconsin. In fact, low back pain causes more global disability than any other condition, according to a study published in March 2014 in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases.

When Dr. Bautch talks to people about bags as a potential cause of back pain, he asks them to empty their own bags. And they pull out pounds and pounds of stuff — several water bottles, three or four books, sets of keys they thought were lost, $20 in coins.

People are also carrying much more technology than ever before, from smartphones to laptops. "They seem like little things, but they all add weight," Bautch says.

Strategies for a Back Pain-Friendly Bag

The next time you head out the door with a bag, try these ideas to lighten your load and spare your back:

  • Pick the smallest bag you can. The bigger the bag, the more you put in it, Bautch says. Do yourself a favor and carry the smallest bag filled with only what you really need and leave the rest at home. Keep in mind that it's usually not one single item that leads to back pain symptoms, explains Bautch. More likely, it's the accumulation of smaller items, such as loads of loose change, that causes pain.
  • Aim for symmetry. Putting extra weight on one side of your body is one of the biggest back pain causes. Any time you carry weight on one side of your body for an extended period of time, it causes your spine to curve, and that leads to back pain symptoms, Bautch says. With that in mind, it's better to choose a messenger bag that you wear diagonally across your body rather than a single-strap bag that rests on one shoulder.
  • Switch sides. When you can't avoid using a single-strap bag, be conscious of changing the sides you use to carry it. If it's a short strap that you carry with your hand, regularly move it from your left hand to your right hand, Bautch suggests. If it's a shoulder strap, try changing it from your left shoulder to your right shoulder.
  • Go for thick straps. A thin strap resting on your shoulder can cut into your muscles and lead to problems, Bautch cautions.
  • Wear a backpack. Backpacks aren't just for school kids anymore. The dual straps of a backpack are the best at evenly distributing weight on your body, and that's leading more adults to use them, Bautch says. Frequent fliers are turning to carrying backpacks as a remedy for back pain. Edward Welch, president and founder of Horizonz Property Management in Atlanta, has been traveling for business about six times a year for the past eight years. After packing up books, a laptop, a work organizer, and more, he says his bag weighs at least 20 pounds when he heads for the airport, and carrying everything in a briefcase with a strap led to lower back pain. Recently, he started using a backpack, and that has helped. "I just came back from a trip and my back felt better with a backpack," he says. Keep in mind that the way you wear a backpack is key because it can change your gait, Bautch says. When you slide a backpack onto your shoulders, adjust the straps so that you carry it as high on your back as you can. The top of the backpack should be at the same level of the big bone you feel at the lowest part of your neck, Bautch says. Also, keep the straps tight so the bag is as close to your body as possible. Wearing it close means it will feel lighter, he adds.
  • Pull a bag on wheels. Airline pilots and flight attendants used to carry single-strap bags and developed their own unique musculoskeletal problems, Bautch says. But today you see them using pull-cart bags or luggage on wheels, which helps them avoid back pain symptoms.
  • Designate different bags for different uses. Rather than trying to carry everything in one bag, designate a briefcase for business, a gym bag for exercise clothes, another bag for your kids' items, and so on.
  • Aim to carry less than 10 percent of your body weight. Ideally, you shouldn't carry around more than 10 percent of your body weight, so put your bag on a scale and see how it measures up. If it's too heavy, see if there's anything you can do without.

The best thing you can do for your back is to be a minimalist. Don't carry what you don't have to, but when you need to take a bag with you, choose the right one and wear it the proper way to eliminate back pain causes.

If you are experiencing back pain, call Lakewood Chiropractic to schedule a free, no obligation spinal exam and consultation to see if chiropractic care may help relieve your back pain. Call us at 816-373-3373 or click here to request an appointment online.

Relief From Neck Pain

Relief from Headaches and Neck Pain

The neck is a very vulnerable part of the body. Ligaments, nerves and muscles that have been injured are typically the cause of our neck pain along but poor posture or degenerative diseases can also be the culprit. Even our daily schedule can lead to common “wear and tear” on our neck and spine resulting in pain. 

Neck pain can spread to the head, shoulders, arms and hands. It can be acute (sharp) or chronic (repetitive). Acute neck pain begins suddenly, usually after an injury. Acute neck pain usually resolves as the injury heals, within several days or weeks, while chronic neck pain lasts longer than three months. 

The treatment for neck pain depends on its cause, severity and duration. The majority of neck problems are treatable with therapy, short periods of rest and adjustments. An examination is necessary to identify the cause of the neck pain  and to determine the appropriate course of treatment. 

If you are suffering from neck pain, call our office today for a free assessment for new patients. Serious neck pain can keep you from enjoying day-to-day activities. We can help you overcome and manage neck pain so you can get back to life!

You can reach us at 816-373-3373 during our office hours:

Monday - Friday 9 am - 6:30 pm

Saturday 9 am - 1 pm

Or you may visit us online to schedule an appointment:

This newsletter/website is not intended to replace the services of a doctor. It does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information in this newsletter/website is for informational purposes only & is not a substitute for professional advice. Please do not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating any condition.

Are You Experiencing Chronic Back Pain?

Relief from Back Pain

You may be a candidate for Decompression Therapy which can gently correct chronic back and neck pain caused by: 

  • Herniated Discs
  • Protruding Discs 
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Posterior Facet Syndrome 
  • Sciatica

 With a series of non-surgical treatments you will begin to enjoy the freedom from back pain and improve you life. Decompression Therapy combined with Light Therapy is fast, effective, drug-free, and safe. This exciting technology is cleared by the FDA and available to you today. 

If you are experiencing pain, contact us today for a complimentary exam and consultation to determine if chiropractic care can help you. Call us at 816-373-3373 or request an appointment online. Lakewood Chiropractic is conveniently located 2 miles south of I-70 at the M-291 and Lakewood Blvd exit.

Hip Pain Causes and Treatments

Lakewood Chiropractic Lees Summit, MO

The hips are some of the most common locations for people to feel pain. There are a number of ailments which could be responsible, but fortunately, most of them are treatable with minimally invasive chiropractic methods. Many of them also involve the soft tissues surrounding the hip socket and can be treated with stretching, electric muscle stimulation, cold laser therapy, and other treatments commonly available in chiropractic offices in addition to adjustments. However, patients should not minimalize their hip pain or think that it will not have consequences for the rest of the body. A problem in the hip can throw off the whole spine, and a problem in the spine may be felt in the hip.

Sciatica: Burning, Sharp Pain

When a patient complains of hip pain, a chiropractor will need to determine whether the problem is in the hip structure or the result of a pinched nerve in the spine. Pinched nerves in the lower back can result in sciatica, the compression of the nerve which runs from the spine to the foot. The patient may feel tingling or numbness in the hip and thigh as well as pain. It is often caused by a herniated disc and is treated with adjustments.

Wear and Tear

If sciatica can be ruled out, there may be something wrong with the hip’s soft tissues. Often, the problem is osteoarthritis, a degenerative condition in which the cartilage in joints wears away. This causes the bones to rub uncomfortably against each other or other tissues, which become inflamed. While degenerative diseases cannot be reversed, they can be slowed through lifestyle and nutritional changes. Chiropractors commonly recommend that patients with wear-and-tear injuries switch to a low impact form of exercise, such as aquatics. However, it is also possible for the hips to simply be overused, which is more commonly the case with young athletes in high-impact sports. Athletes are advised to replace old shoes that are no longer properly cushioned and to do exercises which will strengthen other muscles, relieving some of the pressure on their joints.

Bone Problems

Sometimes, there is an issue with the bones of the hips. In rare cases, children get Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, in which the femur head breaks from lack of blood supply and needs to be held in the socket until it heals. Older people are prone to breaking their hips more often due to their poorer sense of balance and high rates of osteoporosis. Chiropractors can assist these patients’ rehabilitation by stretching their soft tissues to keep them strong and limber, determining individual exercise regimens, and coordinating plans for therapeutic massages with other health practitioners.

This newsletter/website is not intended to replace the services of a doctor. It does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information in this newsletter/website is for informational purposes only & is not a substitute for professional advice. Please do not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating any condition.

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